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CVS Commit History:
2015-06-07 16:24:48 by yrmt | Files touched by this commit (23) |
Log message:
Update libsoup path from net/libsoup24 to net/libsoup.
2015-06-01 01:54:41 by Kamil Rytarowski | Files touched by this commit (3) |
Log message:
Import meta-pkgs/gnome as wip/gnome and bump version to 3.17
gnome3 packages are required directly or indirectly by other DE, like
MATE or LXQt, so it's better to get it finally there.
GNOME is the GNU Network Object Model Environment.
The GNOME project intends to build a complete, easy-to-use desktop
environment for the user, and a powerful application framework for
the software developer.
This is a meta package for the second major version of the GNOME
project. It provides the main GNOME applications, defined by the
project as the "GNOME desktop".
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