2014-09-07 23:10:01 by Ryosuke Moro | Files touched by this commit (12) |  |
Log message:
Remove hs-aeson, imported to pkgsrc/converters.
2014-09-06 23:23:35 by Ryosuke Moro | Files touched by this commit (12) |
Log message:
Remove hs-attoparsec, imported to pkgsrc/textproc.
2014-09-06 15:32:00 by Ryosuke Moro | Files touched by this commit (3) |
Log message:
Update to
Changes from https://github.com/bos/aeson
- Actually fix the DoS vulnerability by using the scientific parser
(Parse a number using the new scientific parser)
The old rational parser applied realToFrac (fromRational . toRational)
to the Scientific number to construct a new Scientific number. This
the disadvantage that scientific numbers with big exponents like
1e1000000000 are converted from (Scientific 1 1000000000) to
(Scientific (1*10^1000000000) 0). If the Integer coefficient of the
latter is later evaluated it will allocate all memory.
This is the first step needed to fix #198.
- Bump attoparsec dep
- Constrain the bounds on attoparsec and scientific
- Update import location of scientificBuilder for v0.3.0.0
- Add warning about space-usage on the Fixed instance
- Use Scientific.toRealFloat instead of realToFrac in scientificToNumber
- Renamed fromRealFloat back to fromFloatDigits
- Use Scientific.fromRealFloat and Scientific.toRealFloat
- Use floor on Scientifics again
scientific-0.3 provides a DoS safe floor.
- Use scientific >= 0.3.1
scientific-0.3.1 exports the Text and ByteString Scientific Builders
from the following modules respectively:
- Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Scientific
- Data.ByteString.Builder.Scientific
- Improve parseJSON failure message for Either
This fixes #193.
- Export `withScientific` function in `Data.Aeson`
Fixes #191.
- Reduce duplication, simplify CPP macros
2014-08-29 16:09:59 by Ryosuke Moro | Files touched by this commit (104) |
Log message:
make it clear what package depend on
discussed with wiz@.
2014-05-31 23:36:31 by Ryosuke Moro | Files touched by this commit (18) |
Log message:
Remove hs-base64-bytestring, pkgsrc/converters.
Remove hs-scientific, imported to pkgsrc/math.
2014-05-27 23:38:22 by Ryosuke Moro | Files touched by this commit (27) |
Log message:
Remove hs-blaze-markup, imported to pkgsrc/textproc.
Remove hs-unordered-containers, imported to pkgsrc/devel.
2014-05-27 00:08:03 by Ryosuke Moro | Files touched by this commit (58) |
Log message:
Remove hs-blaze-builder, hs-transformers-base, hs-transformers-compat, and
hs-vector, imported to pkgsrc/devel.
2014-05-25 23:59:28 by Ryosuke Moro | Files touched by this commit (58) |
Log message:
Remove hs-hashable, hs-primitive, hs-stm, imported to pkgsrc/devel.
2014-05-21 23:04:42 by Ryosuke Moro | Files touched by this commit (97) |
Log message:
Remove hs-network, imported to pkgsrc/net.
Remove hs-random, hs-syb, imported to pkgsrc/devel.
Remove hs-x11, imported to pkgsrc/x11.
2014-05-18 23:33:25 by Ryosuke Moro | Files touched by this commit (119) |
Log message:
Remove hs-data-default-class, hs-dlist, hs-text, hs-utf8-string,
imported to pkgsrc/devel.