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CVS Commit History:
2014-05-09 09:38:42 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (229) |
Log message:
Mark packages that are not ready for python-3.3 also not ready for 3.4,
until proven otherwise.
2014-04-19 00:27:54 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (5) |
Log message:
Import jsoncpp-0.6.0rc2nb20140418 as wip/jsoncpp-svn.
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange
format. It can represent integer, real number, string, an ordered
sequence of value, and a collection of name/value pairs.
JsonCpp is a simple API to manipulate JSON value, handle serialization
and unserialization to string.
It can also preserve existing comment in unserialization/serialization
steps, making it a convenient format to store user input files.
Unserialization parsing is user friendly and provides precise error
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