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CVS Commit History:
2012-10-04 20:42:20 by Aleksej Saushev | Files touched by this commit (38) |
Log message:
Drop superfluous PKG_DESTDIR_SUPPORT, "user-destdir" is default these days.
Mark packages that don't or might probably not have staged installation.
2012-06-10 14:06:59 by Leonardo Taccari | Files touched by this commit (11) |
Log message:
Drop mainteinership (I no longer use these packages)...
Feel free to take maintainership if you are interested!
2009-08-29 23:48:24 by Leonardo Taccari | Files touched by this commit (3) | |
Log message:
Import p5-Lingua-Translate-0.09 as wip/p5-Lingua-Translate.
Lingua::Translate translates text from one written language to another.
Currently this is implemented by contacting Babelfish
(, so see there for the language pairs that
are supported. Babelfish uses SysTran ( to perform the
translation, and contacting a SysTran translation server directly is also
supported (in case your translation needs grow beyond babelfish' capacity).
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