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History of commit frequency

CVS Commit History:

   2008-07-21 01:34:43 by abs | Files touched by this commit (54) | Package removed
Log message:
The following have versions in main pkgsrc. Remove from wip and
update any depending packages appropriately 
   2008-02-05 12:55:58 by OBATA Akio | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Cosmetic changes.
   2008-02-05 12:15:55 by OBATA Akio | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update p5-Log-Log4perl to 1.14.

1.14 (2007/11/18)
    *   (ms) Fixed test suite bug which surfaced in Darwin because temporary
             files contain '++' which freaked out the sloppy regex match.
    *   (ms) Better handling of empty config files (reported by Robert Raisch)
    *   (ms) Rewrote the Synchronized appender to use semaphores exclusivly
             (got rid of IPC::Shareable).
    *   (ms) Added Log::Log4perl::Util::Semaphore for easy semop handling
    *   (ms) Fixed t/026FileApp.t to work on MSWin32.

1.13 (2007/10/11)
    *   (ms) Another doc fix by Craig
    *   (ms) Applied Fedora 7 patches
    *   (ms) Added create_at_logtime option to file appender
    *   (ms) Added trace level color (yellow) in ScreenColoredLevels
             appender as suggested by Arvind Jayaprakash in

1.12 (2007/06/23)
    *   (ms) Added Log::Log4perl::Resurrector to resurrect commented-out
             Log4perl statements in all subsequently loaded modules (allows
             for deploying L4p-enabled CPAN modules without requiring L4p).
    *   (ms) Added ALWAYS easy mode macro (level=OFF)
    *   (ms) Fixed logconfess() frame level bug reported by Ali Mesdaq.
             Added test case.

1.11 (2007/05/29)
    *   (ms) Added PatternLayout::Multiline code by Cory Bennett to 
             render multiline messages.
    *   (ms) Added log level TRACE (lets through even more messages
             than DEBUG) (suggested by Craig).
    *   (ms) Added 'syswrite' flag to file appender to have it use
             'syswrite' instead of 'print', avoiding buffered or
             interleaving messages originating from different processes
             (thanks to Evan Miller).

1.10 (2007/03/27)
    *   (kg) Nikita Dedik pointed out that Saturday is missing from 
    *   (ms) Scott Cline noticed a potential problem with the DBI
             appender reconnection logic in 'buffered' mode. Applied
             a patch.
    *   (ms) Changed DBI reconnect logic to perform even if the DB
             is pingable again.
    *   (ms) Applied code by Valerio Valdez Paolini with modifications
             to to allow pulling values from
             the property configurator by path.
   2007-03-03 06:32:07 by Johann Franz | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Forgot to add depends (p5-PathTools, p5-Test-Simple).
   2007-03-03 06:12:51 by Johann Franz | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Update to 1.09.
Changes from 1.01:
1.09 (2007/02/07)
    *   (ms) Added $^S check to FAQ, as suggested by J. David Blackstone.
    *   (ms) Applied Robert Jacobson's patch for the "DDD" formatter
             in L4p::DateFormats, which now formats the day-of-year values
             numerically and precedes them with zeroes if necessary.
    *   (ms) Added %M{x} PatternLayout notation as requested by
             Ankur Gupta.
    *   (ms) Another Win32 test suite fix, no longer deleting an open
             file but moving it aside (rt.cpan:23520).

1.08 2006/11/18
    *   (ms) Applied test suite patch by Lars Thegler for 
             ancient perl 5.005_03.
    *   (ms) Applied patch by Jeremy Bopp to fix test suite running
             under Cygwin.
    *   (ms) Fixed documentation bug in L4p:Appender::File,
             s/recreate_signal/recreate_check_signal. Thanks to
             Todd Chapman and Robert Jacobson for reporting this.
    *   (ms) Fixed init(), which now deletes any config file watchers 
             left over from previous init_and_watch() calls. Reported
             by Andreas Koenig who saw sporadic errors in the test suite, 

1.07 2006/10/11
    *   (ms) Removed checks for unlink() in t/017Watch.t since they
             failed on win32.
    *   (ms) Fixed doc bug in Appender::File reported by Robert
    *   (ms) Added FAQ on why to use Log4perl and not another
             logging system on CPAN.
    *   (ms) Fixed %M, %L, etc. level in logcarp/cluck/croak/confess
             (thanks to Ateeq Altaf)
    *   (ms) Autocorrecting rootlogger/rootLogger typo
    *   (ms) Better warning on missing loggers in config sanity check

1.06 2006/07/18
    *   (ms) Applied patch by Robert Jacobson to fix day-of-year in
             DateFormat, which was off by one.
    *   (ms) Added FAQ on syslog
    *   (ms) umask values for the file appender are now also accepted 
             in octal form (0xxx).
    *   (ms) The file appender now accepts owner/group settings of
             newly created log files.
    *   (ms) Fixed appender cleanup, a bug caused composite appenders
             to be cleaned up during global destruction, which caused an
             ugly segfault with the Synchronized appender on FreeBSD.

1.05 2006/06/10
    *   (ms) Added recreate signal handler to L4p::Appender::File for
             newsyslog support. Two new FAQ entries on dealing with 
             newsyslog and log files being removed by external apps.
    *   (ms) L4p::Config::Watch no longer sets the global $SIGNAL_CAUGHT by
             default but uses an instance variable instead to prevent
             clobbering L4p's config and watch mechanism.
    *   (ms) die() on undefined configuration (rt 18103 by
    *   (ms) Hugh Esco submitted a FAQ on where to put logfiles
    *   (ms) Applied patch provided by Chia-liang Kao to suppress an error
             message and skip tests in the suite when DBI is missing.

1.04 2006/02/26
    *  (ms) Duplicate log4perl directives, which previously just overwrote
            existing ones, are no longer permitted and cause the config
            parser to throw an error.
    *  (ms) If a conversion pattern was specified twice in a config
            file, the output was "ARRAY(0x804da00)" (bug reported by
            Bill Mason). Now, gobbling up property configurator values
            into an array is limited to appender properties and
            excludes the conversion pattern.
    *  (ms) Multiple calls to import (usually happens if 'use L4p' gets
            called twice within the same namespace) caused nasty warnings,
            bug reported by Greg Olszewski. Fixed by ignoring subsequent
            calls from the same package to import().
    *  (ms) Changed rendering of logdie/warn/cluck/croak/... messages
            to fix a bug reported by Martin J. Evans.
    *  (ms) Added a L4p::Appender::String appender to handle the
            rendering internally.
    *  (ms) Documentation patch by Matisse Enzer on increased/
            decreased log levels.
    *  (ms) Fixed stack trace level of logcarp()
    *  (ms) Carl Franks reported that the test suite failed on WinXP SP2
            because of a hardcoded /tmp - fixed by File::Spec->tempdir().
    *  (ms) Added reconnect_attempts and reconnect_sleep parameters to 
            DBI appender.
    *  (ms) Bugfix for #17886 (tmp files in test suite)

1.03 (2006/01/30)
    * (ms) Some perl-5.6.1 installations have a buggy Skipping
           4 test cases for these. Reported by Andy Ford and Matisse Enzer.
    * (ms) The DBI appender now reconnects on stale DB connections.
    * (ms) Fixed Win32 test bug as reported in 
  by barbie.
           Instead of deleting a file still in use by an appender (which
           Windows doesn't like), the file gets now truncated.

1.02 (2005/12/10)
    * (ms) Adapted t/006Config-Java.t to cope with Win32 path separators
    * (ms) Corrected typo in Chainsaw FAQ, reported by Bernd Dirksen.
    * (ms) Brian Edwards noticed that (Screen, File) were missing a
           base class declaration, causing $logger->add_appender() to
           fail. Fixed with test case.
    * (ms) Log::Log4perl::Appender::File now handles the case where the
           logfile suddenly disappears.
    * (ms) Fixed section indentation in main man page
    * (ms) Converted Ceki's last name to UTF-8 (a historic step!)
   2005-10-05 04:57:09 by Hiramatsu Yoshifumi | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Updated to 1.01.

Changes from 0.51:

1.01 (09/29/2005)
    * (ms) Added 'utf8' and 'binmode' flags to Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
           per suggestion by Jonathan Warden.
    * (ms) Made test cases 003Layout.t and 033UsrCspec.t resilient against
           broken ActiveState 5.8.4 and 5.8.7.
    * (ms) Skipped failing test cases for 5.005, looks like the caller() level
           in carp() is wrong, but not worth fixing.
    * (ms) Fixed the bug with the caller level of the first
           log message sent after init_and_watch() detected a change. Added
           test case to 027Watch2.t.
    * (ms) Added FAQ on UTF-8.
    * (ms) Applied patch by David Britton, improving performance during
           the init() call.
    * (ms) Fixed bug
           to prevent it from modifying $_. Thanks to Steffen Winkler.

1.00 (08/13/2005)
    * (ms) Added tag qw(:no_extra_logdie_message) to suppress duplicate
           die() messages in scripts using simple configurations and LOGDIE().
           Added logexit() as an alternative way.
    * (ms) Fixed bug with logcarp/croak/cluck, which were using the
           wrong Carp level.
    * (kg) Fixing bug in Appender::Limit regarding $_ scope
    * (ms) corrected typo in found by Rob Redmon.
    * (ms) Fixed bug with Appender::File reported by Michael Smith. Checking
           now if print() succeeds, catching errors with full disks and
           ulimit'ed environments.
    * (ms) Added LOGCARP(), LOGCLUCK(), LOGCONFESS(), LOGCROAK() macros
           in :easy mode (suggested by Jud Dagnall).
    * (ms) $INITIALIZED now gets reset during logger cleanup.

0.52 (05/08/2005)
    * (ms) Jonathan Manning <> provided a patch
           for to fix 3-letter month abbreviations and a
           shortcut to simulate Apache's log format.
    * (kg) Ola Finsbraaten provided a patch to provide a better error
           message when a logger is defined twice in a config.
   2005-07-26 07:58:12 by Hiramatsu Yoshifumi | Files touched by this commit (12)
Log message:
correct path to .packlist
   2005-04-11 23:14:40 by Todd Vierling | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Remove USE_BUILDLINK3 and NO_BUILDLINK; these are no longer used.

   2005-03-29 06:38:15 by Hiramatsu Yoshifumi | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Update p5-Log-Log4perl to 0.51.

Changes from 0.48:

0.51 (01/08/2005)
    * (ms) Jon Bjornstad noticed that the file appender wasn't including
           $! in the die() exception thrown if open_file() fails. Added it.
    * (ms) Added umask option to file appender
    * (ms) Fix to L4p::Util::module::available() for Win32
           compliance by Roger Yager <>
    * (ms) Added check to L4p::Util::module_available() returning true
           if the pm file is available in %INC, indicating that it has
           already been loaded. This fixes a problem when running L4p
           in a PAR binary.
    * (ms) Added remove_appender() and eradicate_appender() method to
 , test cases and documentation on the main Log4perl
    * (ms) Added a generic buffered composite appender, L4p::Appender::Buffer,
           buffering messages until a trigger condition is met.

0.50 (12/08/2004)
    * (ms) Added ':resurrect' source filter, which uncomments all lines
           starting with "###l4p". Can be used for hidden L4p statements,
           which are then activated by calling
           'use Log::Log4perl qw(:resurrect)'.
    * (ms) Fixed Win32 test suite bug: File::Spec->catfile() returns '/'
           as a path separator on both Unix and Win32, while Log4perl's
           layouts (derived from caller() info) use '\' on Win32 and '/'
           on Unix. Changed tests to only verify file name, not path.
    * (ms) Added 'appender_by_name()' to retrieve an appender defined
           in the configuration file by name later.
    * (ms) Added FAQ on "stubbing out" L4p macros in environments
           that don't have L4p installed.
    * (ms) Added convenience function appender_thresholds_adjust() to adjust
           thresholds of chosen (or all) appenders
    * (ms) Got rid of Test::Simple dependency
    * (ms) Moved autoflush setting in L4p::Appender::File from log()
           to file_open(), running only once, not with every message.
    * (ms) Applied doc fixes suggested by Jon Bjornstad.
    * (ms) Added ScreenANSIColor appender to colorize messages based on
           their priority. See Log::Log4perl::Appender::ScreenANSIColor.

0.49 (11/07/2004)
    * (ms) init_and_watch() no longer die()s on reloading syntactically
           wrong configuration files but issues a warning and then
           reloads the last working config.
    * (ms) init() now also accepts an open file handle (passed in as a
           glob) to a configuration file or a ref to an IO::File object.
    * (ms) Jos I. Boumans <> and
           Chris Winters <> reported an error thrown
           by L4p in their app SPOPS: During global construction. Looks
           like the Logger object's internal hash is cleared and then
           the is_<level> method gets called, resulting in a runtime
           exception. Added proposed remedy checking if the called
           method is defined by ref.
    * (ms) Added check to init_and_watch if obtaining the mod
           timestamp failed.
   2004-09-28 00:03:23 by Hiramatsu Yoshifumi | Files touched by this commit (4) | Imported package
Log message:
Log::Log4perl lets you remote-control and fine-tune the logging
behaviour of your system from the outside. It implements the widely
popular (Java-based) Log4j logging package in pure Perl.

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