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CVS Commit History:

   2013-07-02 13:19:38 by othyro | Files touched by this commit (12) | Package removed
Log message:
-py-{billiard,kombu,anyjson}; Imported to HEAD.
   2013-07-01 14:30:11 by othyro | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Update to latest release, 2.5.12. From Changelog:

:release-date: 2013-06-28 15:30 P.M BST

- Redis: Ignore errors about keys missing in the round-robin cycle.

- Fixed test suite errors on Python 3.

- Fixed msgpack test failures.

.. _version-2.5.11:

:release-date: 2013-06-25 14:30 P.M BST

- Now depends on amqp 1.0.12 (Py3 compatibility issues).

- MongoDB:  Removed cause of a "database name in URI is being ignored"

    Fix by Flavio Percoco Premoli

- Adds ``passive`` option to :class:`~kombu.Exchange`.

    Setting this flag means that the exchange will not be declared by kombu,
    but that it must exist already (or an exception will be raised).

    Contributed by Rafal Malinowski

- now gives the current hostname and not the list of
  available hostnames.

    Fix contributed by John Shuping.

- pyamqp: Transport options are now forwarded as kwargs to ``amqp.Connection`.

- librabbitmq: Transport options are now forwarded as kwargs to

- librabbitmq:  Now raises :exc:`NotImplementedError` if SSL is enabled.

    The librabbitmq library does not support ssl,
    but you can use stunnel or change to the ``pyamqp://`` transport

    Fix contributed by Dan LaMotte.

- librabbitmq: Fixed a cyclic reference at connection close.

- eventio: select implementation now removes bad file descriptors.

- eventio: Fixed Py3 compatibility problems.

- Functional tests added for py-amqp and librabbitmq transports.

- Resource.force_close_all no longer uses a mutex.

- Pidbox: Now ignores `IconsistencyError` when sending replies,
  as this error simply means that the client may no longer be alive.

- Adds new :meth:`Connection.collect <~kombu.Connection.collect>` method,
  that can be used to clean up after connections without I/O.

- ``queue_bind`` is no longer called for queues bound to
  the "default exchange" (Issue #209).

    Contributed by Jonathan Halcrow.

- The max_retries setting for retries was not respected correctly (off by one).
   2013-06-08 01:25:35 by othyro | Files touched by this commit (4)
Log message:
Import py27-kombu-2.5.10 as wip/py-kombu.

Kombu is a messaging framework for Python.

The aim of Kombu is to make messaging in Python as easy as possible by providing
an idiomatic high-level interface for the AMQ protocol, and also provide proven
and tested solutions to common messaging problems.

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