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CVS Commit History:
2014-01-01 05:57:59 by othyro | Files touched by this commit (3) |
Log message:
Updated to latest version, 0.10.3. From NEWS:
qt-gstreamer 0.10.3 (2013-10-14)
* Added Qt5 support.
* Added GstDiscoverer bindings.
* QGlib::Error can now be used in QGlib::Value
* Added convenience constructors for QGst::ClockTime
* Fixed qtglvideosink painting on QGLFrameBufferObject
* Fixed codegen compilation with bison 2.6
* Fixed example code in the QGst::Ui::GraphicsVideoSurface apidocs
* Many fixes for windows support
Build system fixes and enhancements:
* Use recent cmake goodies:
* CMakePackageConfigHelpers, which simplifies QtGStreamerConfig.cmake
and adds version checking in find_package(QtGStreamer)
* CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE, which eliminates issues with
missing -fPIC / -fPIE
* GNUInstallDirs, which adds automagic support for debian multiarch
and also takes away the need for LIB_SUFFIX
* .dll's are now installed in the correct place ($prefix/bin) on windows
* cmake config files are now installed in $libdir/cmake/$package
instead of $libdir/$package
* Renamed signal.h to qglib_signal.h to avoid problems where the compiler
mixes it up with the C <signal.h>
* Determine whether to use OpenGLES or desktop OpenGL by looking at
what Qt is using on the target system instead of guessing.
Changes in dependencies:
* CMake 2.8.9 is now required
* Drop completely automoc dependency in favor of cmake's internal automoc
* Qt5 can be used instead of Qt4. The resulting qt-gstreamer files
will be co-installable with the ones built using Qt4.
2013-05-12 03:12:32 by othyro | Files touched by this commit (7) |
Log message:
Import qt4-gstreamer-0.10.2 as wip/qt4-gstreamer.
QtGStreamer is a set of libraries and plugins providing C++ bindings for
GStreamer with a Qt-style API plus some helper classes for integrating GStreamer
better in Qt applications.
Currently, it consists of the following parts:
* QtGLib - Library providing C++/Qt bindings for parts of the GLib and GObject
APIs, a base on which QtGStreamer is built.
* QtGStreamer - Library providing C++/Qt bindings for GStreamer
* QtGStreamerUi - Library providing integration with QtGui.
* QtGStreamerUtils - Library providing some high level utility classes.
In addition, it provides GStreamer elements for drawing video on widgets,
graphics items and QML items.
This is the Qt4 version of qt-gstreamer.
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