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CVS Commit History:

   2014-09-05 09:27:11 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (9) | Package removed
Log message:
Remove sphinxsearch, textproc/sphinxsearch is much newer

   2014-03-05 11:31:09 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (6)
Log message:
Update sphinxsearch to 2.1.6.
Fix build on NetBSD. Force libiconv support as standard.

Changes in 2.1.6:
- fixed #1882, race of periodic and forced FLUSHing on an RT index
- fixed #1881, quorum syntax with '.' as blended char
- fixed #1880, crash on multiquery with one incorrect query
- fixed #1876, crash on words with large code points and infix searches
- fixed #1875, fixed crash on adding documents with long words in dict=keyword \ 
index with morphology and infixes enabled
- fixed #1857, crash in arabic stemmer
- fixed evaluating of LCS by an expression ranker
   2014-01-29 15:24:20 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Update sphinxsearch to 2.1.5.

Changes since 2.1.4:
- fixed #1848, infixes and morphology clash
- fixed #1823, indextool fails to handle indexes with lemmatizer morphology
- fixed #1799, crash in queries to distributed indexes with GROUP BY on
  multiple values
- fixed #1718, expand_keywords option lost in disk chunks of RT indexes
- fixed documentation on rt_flush_period
- fixed network protocol issue which results in timeouts of libmysqlclient
  for big Sphinx responses
   2014-01-03 09:31:21 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Update sphinxsearch to 2.1.4.

- WEIGHT() can now be used directly in the ORDER BY clause, until now
  it was necessary to use a declared alias in the SELECT statement
- SHOW PROFILE works for fullscan queries as well ( queries without
  a fulltext match)
- added –with-re2-includes and –with-re2-libs for specifying RE2 engine
  paths at compilation
- fixed an issue on indexes with more than 255 attributes ( bug #1778)
- fixed missing results in queries with quorum operator on indexes
  with lemmatization (bug #1796)
- fixed incorrect results in queries on indexes with wordforms,
  lemmatization and enabled star (bug #1780)
   2013-12-05 13:49:52 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update sphinxsearch to 2.1.3

Version 2.1.3

- Bug fixes

Version 2.1.2

- Added FLUSH RAMCHUNK statement
- Added SHOW PLAN statement
- Added support for GROUP BY on multiple attributes
- Added BM25F() function to SELECT expressions (now works with the expression
  based ranker)
- Added indextool --fold command and -q switch
- Added JSON debug check for RT index RAM chunk
- Added LENGTH() function for MVA
- Added missing rt_attr_bool directive
- Added support for selecting over 250 columns via SphinxQL
- Deprecated custom sort mode, and str2ordinal and str2wordcount attribute
- Optimized SELECT, UPDATE for indexes with many attributes (up to 3.5x
  speedup in extreme cases)
- JSON attributes (up to 5-20% faster SELECTs using JSON objects)
- Optimized xmlpipe2 indexing (up to 9 times faster on some schemas)
- Bug fixes

Version 2.1.1-beta

- Added query profiling (SET PROFILING=1 and SHOW PROFILE statements)
- Added AOT-based Russian lemmatizer (morphology={lemmatize_ru |
  lemmatize_ru_all}, lemmatizer_base, and lemmatizer_cache directives)
- Added wordbreaker, a tool to split compounds into individual words
- Added JSON attributes support (sql_attr_json, on_json_attr_error,
  json_autoconv_numbers, json_autoconv_keynames directives)
- Added initial subselects support, SELECT * FROM (SELECT ... ORDER BY cond1
- Added bigram indexing, and phrase searching with bigrams (bigram_index,
  bigram_freq_words directives)
- Added HA/LB support, ha_strategy and agent_persistent directives, SHOW AGENT
  STATUS statement
- Added RT index optimization (OPTIMIZE INDEX statement, rt_merge_iops and
  rt_merge_maxiosize directives)
- Added wildcards support to dict=keywords (eg. "t?st*")
- Added substring search support (min_infix_len=2 and above) to dict=keywords
- Added --checkconfig switch to indextool to check config file
  for correctness (bug #1395)
- Added global IDF support (global_idf directive, OPTION global_idf)
- Added "term1 term2 term3"/0.5 quorum fraction syntax (bug #1372)
- Added an option to apply stopwords before morphology, stopwords_unstemmed
- Added an alternative method to compute keyword IDFs, OPTION idf=plain
- Added boolean query optimizations, OPTION boolean_simplify=1 (bug #1294)
- Added stringptr return type support to UDFs, and CREATE FUNCTION ...
- Added early query termination by predicted execution time (OPTION
  max_predicted_time, and predicted_time_costs directive)
- Added index_field_lengths directive, BM25A() and BM25F() functions
  to expression ranker
- Added ranker=export, and PACKEDFACTORS() function
- Added OPTION agent_query_timeout
- Added support for attribute files over 4 GB (bug #1274)
- Added addr2line output to crash reports (bug #1265)
- Added OPTION ignore_nonexistent_columns to UPDATE, and a respective
  UpdateAttributes() argument
- Added --keep-attrs switch to indexer
- Added --with-static-mysql, --with-static-pgsql switches to configure
- Added double-buffering for RT INSERTs (bug #1200)
- Added --morph, --dumpdict switch to indextool
- Added support for multiple wordforms files, comment syntax, and
  pre/post-morphology wordforms
- Added ZONESPANLIST() builtin function
- Added regexp_filter directive, regexp document/query filtering support
  (uses RE2)
- Added min_idf, max_idf, sum_idf ranking factors
- Added uservars persistence, and sphinxql_state directive (bug #1132)
- Added POLY2D, GEOPOLY2D, CONTAINS functions
- Added ZONESPAN operator
- Added snippets_file_prefix directive
- Added Arabic stemmer, morphology=stem_ar directive (bug #519)
- Added OPTION sort_method={pq | kbuffer}, an alternative match sorting method
- Added SPZ (sentence, paragraph, zone) support to RT indexes
- Added support for upto 255 keywords in quorum operator (bug #1030)
- Added multi-threaded agent querying (bug #1000)
- Added SHOW INDEX indexname STATUS statement
- Added LIKE clause support to multiple SHOW xxx statements
- Added SNIPPET() function
- Added GROUP_CONCAT() aggregate function
- Added GROUPBY() builtin function
- Added iostats and cpustats to SHOW META
- Added support for DELETE statement over distributed indexes (bug #1104)
- Added EXIST('attr_name', default_value) builtin function (bug #1037)
- Added SHOW VARIABLES WHERE variable_name='xxx' syntax
- Added TRUNCATE RTINDEX statement
- Changed that UDFs are now allowed in fork/prefork modes via sphinxql_state
  startup script
- Changed that compat_sphinxql_magics now defaults to 0
- Changed that small enough exceptions, wordforms, stopwords files are now
  embedded into the index header
- Changed that rt_mem_limit can now be over 2 GB (bug #1059)
- Optimized tokenizer (upto 1.25x indexing and snippets speedup)
- Optimized multi-keyword searching (added skiplists)
- Optimized filtering and scan in several frequent cases (single-value,
  2-arg, 3-arg WHERE clauses)

Version 2.0.9

- Bug fixes
   2013-05-31 22:45:15 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
Update sphinxsearch to 2.0.8.

Changes in 2.0.8
   * fixed #1515, log strings over 2KB were clipped when
   * fixed #1514, RT index disk chunk lose attribute update on daemon
   * fixed #1512, crash while formatting log messages
   * fixed #1511, crash on indexing PostgreSQL data source with MVA
   * fixed #1509, blend_chars vs incomplete multi-form and overshort
   * fixed #1504, RT binlog replay vs descending tid on update
   * fixed #1499, sql_field_str2wordcount actually is int, not string
   * fixed #1498, now working with exceptions starting with number too
   * fixed #1496, multiple destination keywords in wordform
   * fixed #1494, lost 'mod', '%' operations in select list. Also corrected
     few typers in the doc.
   * fixed #1490, expand_keywords vs prefix
   * fixed #1487, `id` in expression fixed
   * fixed #1483, snippets limits fix
   * fixed #1481, shebang config changes check on rotation
   * fixed #1479, port handling in PHP Sphinx API
   * fixed #1474, daemon crash at SphinxQL packet overflows max_packet_size
   * fixed #1472, crash on loading index to indextool for check
   * fixed #1465, expansion_limit got lost in index rotation
   * fixed #1427, #1506, utf8 3 and 4-bytes codepoints
   * fixed #1405, between with mixed int float values

Changes in 2.0.7
   * fixed #1475, memory leak in the expression parser
   * fixed #1457, error messages over 2KB were clipped
   * fixed #1454, searchd did not display an error message when the binlog
     path did not exist
   * fixed #1441, SHOW META in a query batch was returning the last
     non-batch error
   * fixed #1435, typo in the documentation
   * fixed #1430, rt_flush_period now works even with a disabled binlog
   * fixed #1427, overlong 4-byte UTF-8 codes in source text could cause
     indexer crashes or index corruption
   * fixed #1418, warnings from local index searches were lost with
   * fixed #1417, crash handler now works on searchd startup stage, too
     (eg. to report index load time crashes)
   * fixed #1410, bad numerics like '123abc' now result in a proper
     SphinxQL error message
   * fixed #1404, a tiny memory leak in shared mutex
   * fixed #1394, race in --iostats caused incorrect I/O statistics in
     threaded modes
   * fixed #1391, QUORUM operator vs docinfo=inline returned wrong
     attribute values
   * fixed #1389, edge case in the ORDER operator caused occasionaly
     searchd crashes
   * fixed #1382, query parts with field limits but without real keywords
     (like '@name {') are now simply ignored and no longer cause a query
     syntax error
   * fixed #1370, Windows indexer builds failed to fetch rows from MSSQL
   * fixed #1368, ORDER BY RAND() did not work in RT indexes
   * fixed #1364, queries with hitless words could occasionally crash
   * fixed #1363, '*' in charset_table was causing query syntax errors with
   * fixed #1353, added filtering by 'id' syntax (in addition to '@id') to
   * fixed #1346, fixed NEAR operator behavior vs duplicated keywords
   * fixed #1345, invalid PROXIMITY operator threshold now causes a query
     syntax error rather than unexpected search behavior
   * fixed #1343, misconfigured indexes with 0 full text fields are now
     explicitly forbidden
   * fixed #1342, specific error messages (from the preload stage) went
     missing when failing to load the indexes
   * fixed #1339, no warning on inconsistent word statistics
   * fixed #1335, typo in searchd help screen
   * fixed #1334, typo in SELECT documentation
   * fixed #1316, PHRASE operator did not match in a rare self-repeating
     document/query case
   * fixed #1297, letting queries complete gracefully instead of killing
     them off in seamless_rotate=1, workers=prefork case
   * fixed #1295, mentioned index naming requirements (proper identifier)
     in the FROM clause docs
   * fixed #1221, incorrect results when using @groupby in select list via
     SphinxAPI with compat_sphinxql_magics=0
   * fixed #1180, special SPZ chars occasionally leaking into snippets
   * fixed #1171, preforked children did not reload logs on SIGUSR1
   * fixed #1150, added support for `id` syntax in DELETE and parents in
   * fixed #1135, crashes when using MVA/strings attributes in expression
   * fixed #1124, corrupted attributes after merging with an empty index
   * fixed #1090, SphinxSE snippets UDF updated to support MySQL 5.5
   * fixed #1041, added initial support for MVA updates (and other mutex
     protected things) on FreeBSD
   * fixed #999, fullscan returned empty result sets in mixed batches of
     fullscan and fulltext queries
   * fixed #921, document count/bytes 32bit overflow in indexer progress
   * fixed #539, added processing suffix rules with dots in .affix file to
   * fixed #481, rotation did not work on Windows with preopen=1
   * fixed #268, added warnings about duplicate elements in xmlpipe2
   * fixed CSphStaticMutex (double initialization issue)
   * fixed documentation typo in SQL data sources
   * fixed too-late initialization of mutex at daemon
   * fixed that an instance of searchd resurrected by watchdog could leak
     resources and/or crash
   * added a console message about crashes during index loading at startup
   * added more debug info about failed index loading
   2013-02-21 13:24:12 by Jonathan Perkin | Files touched by this commit (11) | Package removed
Log message:
Update sphinxsearch to 2.0.6, primarily to fix build with GCC 4.7.

This will likely not build on NetBSD, the PTHREAD_STACK_MIN handling has
changed and needs updating for that platform.

Too many changes to list, see doc/sphinx.txt for more details.
   2012-10-07 18:23:08 by Aleksej Saushev | Files touched by this commit (87)
Log message:
Drop superfluous PKG_DESTDIR_SUPPORT, "user-destdir" is default these days.
Mark packages that don't or might probably not have staged installation.
   2012-05-11 11:53:50 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
Updated sphinxsearch to 2.0.4.

Bug fixes:

- fixed #605, pack vs mysql compress
- fixed #783, #862, #917, #985, #990, #1032 documentation bugs
- fixed #885, bitwise AND/OR were not available via API
- fixed #984, crash on indexing data with MAGIC_CODE_ZONE symbol
- fixed #1004, RT index loses words from dictionary on segments merging
  with id64 enabled
- fixed #1035, daemon doesn't properly handle FDs in case of socket overflow
  FD_SETSIZE ( *nix, preopen_indexes=0, worker=threads )
- fixed #1038, quoted string for API select
- fixed #1046, head SPZ overflow, snippet generation at non fast with SPZ
- fixed #1048, distributed index can't sort \ filter because of missed
- fixed #1050, expression ranker vs agents
- fixed #1051, added MVA64 support to UDFs
- fixed #1054, max_query_time not handled properly on searching at RT index
- fixed #1055, expansion_limit on searching at RT disk chunks
- fixed #1057, daemon crashes on generating snippet with 0 documents provided
- fixed #1060, load_files_scattered don't work
- fixed #1065, libsphinxclient vs distribute index (agents)
- fixed #1067, modifiers were not escaped in legacy query emulation
- fixed #1071, master - agent communication got slower for a large query
- fixed #1076, #1077, (redundant copying, and a possible mutex leak
  with uservars)
- fixed #1078, blended vs FIELD_END
- fixed #1084 crash \ index corruption on loading persist MVA
- fixed #1091, RT attach of plain index with string \ MVA attributes prior
  regular attributes
- fixed #1092, update got binloged with wrong TID
- fixed #1098, crash on creating large expression
- fixed #1099, cleaning up temporary files on fail of indexing
- fixed #1100, missing xmlpipe_attr_bigint config directive
- fixed #1101, now ignoring dashes within keywords when dash is not
  in charset_table
- fixed #1103, ZONE operator incorrectly works on more than one keywords
- in a simple zone
- fixed #1106, optimized WHERE id=value, WHERE id IN (values_list) clauses
  used in SELECT, UPDATE statements
- fixed #1112, Sphinx doesn't work out-of-the-box because the collision
  of binlog_path option
- fixed #1116, crash on FLUSH RTINDEX unknown-index-name
- fixed #1117, occasional RT headers corruption (leading to crashes
  and/or missing results)
- fixed #1119, missing expression ranker support in SphinxSE
- fixed #1120, negative total_found, docs and hits counter on huge indexes
   2012-01-31 13:56:40 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (11)
Log message:
Update sphinxsearch to 2.0.3.

First stable release since 0.9.9 (released two years ago).

New features:

  * stable/battle-tested Real-Time Indexes
  * 64-bit MVA support
  * expression-based rankers
  * keywords dictionary

See full release log for the previous beta 2.0.2 version:

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