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The following packages where found to depend on audio/festlex-ogiPrevious - Results
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- wip/festvox-hl, Required to run
- wip/festvox-ks, Required to run
- wip/festvox-em, Required to run
- wip/festvox-awb, Required to run
- wip/festvox-slt, Required to run
- wip/festvox-clb, Required to run
- wip/festvox-rms, Required to run
- wip/festvox-mv, Required to run
- wip/festvox-jmk, Required to run
- wip/festvox-bdl, Required to run
- wip/festvox-tp, Required to run
- audio/festvox-abc, Required to run
- audio/festvox-mwm, Required to run
- audio/festvox-jph, Required to run
- audio/festvox-tll, Required to run
- audio/festvox-hvs, Required to run
- audio/festvox-aec, Required to run
- audio/festvox-ogirab, Required to run
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