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The following packages where found to depend on devel/ncurseswPrevious - Results
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Next- wip/cataclysm-dda, Required to run
- wip/toxic-git, Required to run
- wip/ekg2, Required to run
- wip/qemu-nvmm, Required to run
- wip/sc-im, Required to run
- wip/newsbeuter, Required to run
- wip/crawl-stone-soup, Required to run
- wip/htop-git, Required to run
- wip/gtypist, Required to run
- wip/htop, Required to run
- wip/despotify-svn, Required to run
- wip/qemu-haxm, Required to run
- wip/sandy, Required to run
- wip/toxic, Required to run
- wip/canto-curses, Required to run
- wip/mcabber, Required to run
- wip/qemu-git, Required to run
- wip/despotify, Required to run
- wip/qodem, Required to run
- net/nanotodon, Required to run
- audio/cmus, Required to run
- audio/vimpc, Required to run
- mail/neomutt, Required to run
- mail/cone, Required to run
- www/goaccess, Required to run
- devel/libgnt, Required to run
- news/newsbeuter, Required to run
- math/teapot, Required to run
- math/sc-im, Required to run
- chat/finch, Required to run
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