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The following packages where found to depend on multimedia/totem-pl-parserPrevious - Results
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- wip/meta-tracker, Required to run
- wip/gnome, Required to run
- wip/gnome3, Required to run
- wip/grilo-plugins, Required to run
- net/grilo, Required to run
- audio/rhythmbox, Required to run
- audio/rhythmbox-gtk3, Required to run
- audio/pragha, Required to run
- x11/py-gnome2-desktop, Required to run
- meta-pkgs/gnome, Required to run
- meta-pkgs/gnome-desktop, Required to run
- multimedia/totem-nautilus, Required to run
- multimedia/totem-xine, Required to run
- multimedia/totem-browser-plugin, Required to run
- multimedia/totem, Required to run
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