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The following packages where found to depend on sysutils/dbus-glibPrevious - Results
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Next- wip/hal-dev, Required to run
- wip/pidgin-rhythmbox, Required to run
- wip/lxdm, Required to run
- wip/libappindicator, Required to run
- wip/eom, Required to run
- wip/xfce4-terminal, Required to run
- wip/parole, Required to run
- wip/consolekit, Required to run
- wip/inkscape-snapshot, Required to run
- wip/gnome-settings-daemon, Required to run
- wip/mate-panel, Required to run
- wip/xfce4-utils, Required to run
- wip/bluez-gnome, Required to run
- wip/xfce4-settings, Required to run
- wip/geoclue, Required to run
- wip/gnome-mplayer, Required to run
- wip/gnome-session, Required to run
- wip/roxterm, Required to run
- wip/xfce4-desktop, Required to run
- wip/abiword-plugins, Required to run
- wip/gdm, Required to run
- wip/gnome-terminal, Required to run
- wip/mate-session-manager, Required to run
- wip/libgxim, Required to run
- wip/firefox-dfbsd, Required to run
- wip/cheese, Required to run
- wip/xfce4-wm, Required to run
- wip/uprof, Required to run
- wip/xfce4-tumbler, Required to run
- wip/cinnamon-control-center, Required to run
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