Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/textproc/p5-XML-NamespaceSupport
From: Shell Hung
Date: 2002-06-03 15:18:05
Message id:

Log Message:
Updated p5-XML-NamespaceSupport, from 1.04 to 1.07.

Changes since 1.04 :

- added undeclare_prefix() thanks to Christian Glahn.
- CPAN problem, had to change the version
- added a number of rather good speedups by converting a lot of
  the code to use arrays instead of hashes. More of the same kind
  of tuning is expected for the next version.
- fixed another bug, again thanks to Grant McLean, due to which
  declarePrefix() was not functionning according to the spec (it
  failed to set a random prefix when the prefix was undef).
