Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/mail/tmda
From: Amitai Schlair
Date: 2002-11-11 06:28:08
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 0.63. From the changelog:

* Python version 2.1 or greater is now required.  Upgrade at

* When sending an auto response, a new configuration variable
  (AUTORESPONSE_INCLUDE_SENDER_COPY) is used to control whether a copy
  of the sender's message is included or not.  For available options,

  If you are using customized templates, you should remove the last
  few lines in each template which include the sender's copy.  For
  example, in confirm_request.txt:

  --- Enclosed is a copy of your message.


  Otherwise, you'll include two copies of the sender's message.

* When sending confirmation requests, Reply-To is now set from the
  confirm_request.txt template.  This is to allow the option to not
  include the confirmation address in a Reply-To header.

  If you use a customized confirm_request.txt, you'll need to add the
  following line to the top (header section) of your template:

  Reply-To: %(confirm_accept_address)s
