Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/audio/shorten
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2002-12-23 22:20:50
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 3.5.0. Changes since 3.1:
3.2  released on Sat 13 Jan 2001
Added '-i' switch to display whether a file contains seek information
Cleaned up endian-conversion code
Fixed a file naming bug - now, when only an input file name is given,
output files are named according to the following rules:
If shortening a file:

If the input file name ends in .wav, then change
extension to .shn; otherwise, append .shn to the
input file name.  Examples:

file.wav  ->  file.shn
file.ext  ->  file.ext.shn

If extracting a file:

If the input file name ends in .shn, then change
extension to .wav; otherwise, append .wav to the
input file name.

file.shn  ->  file.wav
file.ext  ->  file.ext.wav

When the caller specifies -v2 on the command line, seek tables are
not generated (neither appended nor created in separate files).
The default behavior is to generate/append seek tables.

3.3  released on Sun 12 Aug 2001
Converted to autoconf/automake build system
Made seek table code 64-bit clean
Changed seek table data structures to compensate for compilers that don't
properly implement #pragma pack(1)
Various minor cleanups/updates that don't impact the shorten algorithm

3.4  released on Sun 10 Feb 2002
Fix for reading/writing binary data on stdin/stdout for operating systems
that do not have a single '\x0A' as a line separator (Frank Klemm)
Shorten now refuses to input data from or output data to a tty
Fixed crash when trying to create seek tables from a non-shorten file
-s and -S options can now create seek table files from data read on stdin
(with -s, output filename is 'stdin.skt')
Seek tables are now appended to non-stdout output file when reading
uncompressed data from stdin (e.g. shorten - outfile.shn < data.wav)

3.5.0  released on Mon 18 Nov 2002
Support for compression of AIFF files contributed by Brian Willoughby of
Sound Consulting
Changed file naming convention during extraction - when only an input file
name is given, output files are named according to the following rules:

If the input file name contains more than one '.' and
ends in .shn, then drop the .shn; otherwise, if the input
file name ends in .shn, then change the extension to .wav;
otherwise, append .wav to the input file name.

file.aiff.shn  ->  file.aiff
file.aiff.ext  ->  file.aiff.ext.wav
file.shn       ->  file.wav
file.ext       ->  file.ext.wav

This change was made so that non-wav files would be properly named after
shortening and unshortening.  For example, 'shorten file.aiff' creates
file.aiff.shn, and with the change above, 'shorten -x file.aiff.shn'
will now create file.aiff (instead of file.aiff.wav).
