Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/time/devtodo
From: Jim Wise
Date: 2003-07-18 04:28:56
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to revision 0.1.7.  Changes are:

* Finally tracked down the VERY nasty slowdown (at times up to a minute or
  more) some users have been experiencing. It turns out that one of the
  recent versions of glibc has a bug in its regex code when dealing with
  non-multibyte characters (ie. most of the time). This came to a head because
  I upgraded to slackware-current, which has this version of glibc. Great.
  Thanks to Mark Eichen for pointing me towards several Debian bug tracker
  items about other programs having this same problem.
* Added a new directory "contrib" which will be used for anything that \ 
  contribute that is not patched into the main distribution.
* XSLT transform courtesy of Mark Eichin, to convert devtodo XML databases into
  colour PDF's. This is contrib/xslt-example.1.
* XSLT contribution for converting devtodo XML databases into HTML, courtesy of
  Daniel Peterson. This is contrib/xslt-example.2.
* I have created an amalgam of the above two XSLT contributions that will
  output a HTML page with colourised items. Completed items are struck out.
  This is a dodgy hack, so if anybody has any enhancements it would be much
* Changed filename of src/ to src/ so that devtodo will compile
  under environments where case is not relevant in filenames (ie. Cygwin under
  M$ Windows).
* Added a small PERL script to generate a todo database from a ChangeLog file
  that's in the same format as that used by devtodo. In the contrib directory.
  eg. changelog2todo > changelog.todo && devtodo --database changelog.todo
* Added two new events: "load" and "save". This can be used \ 
in conjunction
  with one of the above XSLT files by putting something like the following in
  your ~/.todorc (assuming you have libxlst installed -

  on save exec xsltproc $HOME/etc/todo-html.xslt $TODODB > `dirname \ 

  Which will basically generate a .todo.html file every time a devtodo database
  is modified and saved.
* Fixed a few minor man page bugs.

(the contrib/ files discussed here go in ${PREFIX}/share/examples/devtodo under \ 
