Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/horde/patches
From: Manuel Bouyer
Date: 2003-08-16 23:07:18
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to horde-2.2.4rc1, to fix a security issue.
Changes since 2.2.1:
[mms] SECURITY: Add code to protect against session fixation issues.
[jan] Add Macedonian translation (Stojan Pesov <>).
[mir] Fix a bug that incorrectly quotes pref values (Bug #1224)
[cjh] Fix a bug that prevented logging.
[mms] DB session handlers do not use persistent connections by default.
[mms] Fix parse error in Horde_Cipher_BlockMode_ofb64::.
[mms] Optimization of Secret:: and Horde_Cipher:: drivers.
[jan] Add Catalan translation (Angels GuimerĂ  <>).
[mms] Added a RADIUS Auth:: driver.
[mir] Added a Samba Auth:: driver.
[cjh] Added the Horde_Image:: class.
