Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/graphics/gqview-devel
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2003-10-26 09:26:45
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 1.3.3.
Added safe delete option (trash buffer), off by default.
Duplicate image results now grouped using rank, closer matches are listed first.
Results for comparing two file sets now display which list contains each image.
Sorting of filenames is now case insensitive by default.
Prebuffer next image option also retains the previous image.
Automatic list/image refresh now optional.
Size of the exif sidebar can now be adjusted.
Added undo to the sort manager.
Delete and rename dialogs now display the effected image.
Added --alternate command line option to enable testing the alternate image \ 
similarity algorithm.
Updated German and Spanish translations.
Added current folder (.) back to the simple folder list.
Increased editor slot count to 10, updated the defaults.
Removed redraw flicker when entering fullscreen.
Grey out suboptions when parent is disabled in preferences.
Exif flash display fix.
