Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/chat/silc-client
From: Lubomir Sedlacik
Date: 2003-11-18 19:14:32
Message id:

Log Message:
Updated to version 0.9.16.


- Fixed the file transfer (see /HELP FILE) session accepting and closing.
- Fixed nickname formatting to not mess the /NAMES command output.
- Fixed MIME header parsing to not show extra characters in the MIME type
- Several other bugfixes were made.

- Removed RC6 algorithm from distribution.

- Added /LISTKEYS help file (see /HELP LISTKEYS).

- Implemented optimized RSA algorithm for faster private key operations.
  Private key operations are now at least 30% faster.  Note however that,
  this optimization works only with newly generated key pairs.
  Unfortunately, it is not possible to transfer the old private key to
  the new optimized format.  There is no compatibility issues with old or
  new private keys (new private keys work with older SILC Clients as
  well, but they are slower to use).

- Implemented support for searching users in the network by their public
  keys using WHOIS command.  Note that, this feature will work only with
  upcoming SILC Server.  Current SILC Server 0.9.15 or older does not
  support this feature.

  See the /HELP WHOIS for revised help information on searching by
  public key.  Examples:

  To search nickname 'nick' that has the specified public key, give:

    /WHOIS nick -pubkey /path/to/the/

  To search all usesr that has the specified public key, give:

    /WHOIS -pubkey /path/to/the/

  This search feature is the first search feature that uses the
  Requested Attributes in WHOIS to base on the search or to narrow down
  the searched values.
