Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/net/tightvncviewer
From: Marc Recht
Date: 2003-11-27 17:19:22
Message id:

Log Message:
update to 1.2.9 provided in PR 23580 by Min Sik Ki

* TightVNC 1.2.9

  - Unix version: New "Request refresh" button has been implemented in
    the viewer's F8 popup menu.

  - Unix version: A patch to fix input focus problems in the X11
    viewer has been applied, from Greg Breland.

  - Unix version: A patch fixing Xvnc crashes on Sparc has been
    applied, from the RealVNC distribution.

  - Unix version: A problem with incorrect port interpretation has
    been fixed, in the vncviewer's -tunnel option handling. Thanks to
    Clark Sessions.

  - Other minor improvements and bugfixes.

ok'ed by wiz@
