Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc
From: Ben Collver
Date: 2003-12-16 03:25:45
Message id:

Log Message:
Apply gqview-devel update from Soren in PR 23770.

Changes since 1.3.5:
* Port to GTK2 completed, lists are now GtkTreeViews.
* Drag and drop now works with button 1 (see notes below).
* Added preview of results when auto renaming files.
* Middle button now toggles item selection.
* Improved moving of images within collection window.
* Now shows safe delete status in delete dialogs.
* Removed "Insert file drops at pointer location" option.
* Some options in preferences window were moved to advanced tab.
* Drag and drop now works fully with nautilus and konqueror.
* Fix removal of of old thumbnails, broken by previous release.
