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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/subversion
From: Eric Gillespie
Date: 2004-01-26 18:13:42
Message id:
Log Message:
Update to Version 0.37.0 [Beta Interim 2]
(branching 24 January 2004, from /branches/1.0-stabilization)
User-visible changes:
* bugfix: buffer overflow for AIX client
* 'svn merge' now notices ancestry by default. (r8390)
* bugfix: double Ctrl-C on windows no longer wedges repository.
* New date formats (see API change: Rewrite of date parser below)
* bugfix: Errors in authentication when --no-interactive is turned on (r8139)
* bugfix: Fix some 'access denied' errors on Windows (r8341, r8352)
Developer-visible changes:
* API change: Rewrite of date parser (r8327, r8328, r8329) (issue #408)
* bugfix: svn_fs__bdb_changes_fetch() fouls up change ordering (issue #1695)
* require SWIG >=1.3.19 (issue #1690)
* numerous changes to language bindings, to keep up with C API.
* fix: apr build issues (r8279, r8280, r8318) (issue #1666)
* changed the auth-provider C API to use 'realmstring' on all funcs
* check the ra plugin ABI versions.
* fix: ABI problem with blame. (r8494) (issue #1705)
* remove svn_io_file_printf from public API. (r8492) (issue #1653)
* extensive changes in the perl client bindings. (r8270)
* too many big and small internal code cleanups and fixes to mention here