Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/multimedia
From: Lubomir Sedlacik
Date: 2004-10-29 11:03:28
Message id:

Log Message:
Updated to version 0.9.7


- mkvmerge: bug fix: The handling of external timecode files was
  still not correct but should be OK now.

- mmg: Added an error message if the user selects 'mmg' as the
  'mkvmerge executable' because that would lead to an infinite
  number of 'mmg's being spawned.

- mkvmerge: bug fix: If LFE is on for DTS then the number of
  channels is one more than what the DTS frame header says.

- mkvmerge: bug fix: Timecodes for Vorbis were wrong on rare
  occasions (when reading laced Vorbis from a Matroska file and
  changing the lacing, e.g. when splitting for the second and all
  following files).

- mkvmerge/mkvinfo/mkvextract: bug fix: The chapter and tag
  element tables were not always intialized correctly depending on
  the compiler and the optimization flags used.

- mkvmerge: bug fix: The OGM reader was broken if at least one
  track was not to be copied from the file (happened between 0.9.5
  and 0.9.6).

- mmg: bug fix: After loading saved mmg settings the track input
  box listed the tracks always coming from the last input file and
  not from the one they really came from.

- mmg: enhancement: Made mmg's main window properly resizable.

- mkvmerge: Rewrote the code for the external timecode files. This
  also fixes bug 99: The durations for the individual tracks were
  not correct for those tracks for which --timecodes was used.

- mmg: bug fix: Crash when saving chapters from the chapter
  editor. Same as the mkvinfo issue below but on all OS.

- mkvinfo: bug fix: The chapter and tag element tables were not
  initialized on Windows resulting in a crash when one of those
  elements was encountered.
