Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/games/lbreakout2
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2004-11-17 17:16:30
Message id:

Log Message:
Changes 2.5.1:
- only levelsets from the install directory are used for
- order of Freakout levels is saved
- bugfix: balls will not start in next level with max speed when
  the middle mouse button was pressed while clearing the last
  brick of a level
- bonus floor uses proper brick image (blue energy wall instead
  of normal wall)
- replaced chaos bricks in level 7 of N_Snapshots with normal
  wall bricks
- to continue when viewing final network stats only SPACE is
- re-added continue option for single player mode, however
  with 100% score loss this time

Changes 2.5:
- added additional network support via SDL_net for portability
- bug fixed: game crashed when quitting testing mode in the
- removed 5000 points bonus for completing a level. instead
  the score of the remaining destructible bricks is substracted
  as a penalty when warping to the next level
- generation of bug message is disabled
- sounds are played stereo in a local game and partially stereo
  in a network game
