Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/games/bomberclone
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2005-03-23 23:58:46
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 0.11.5:

Version 0.11.5

- Fixed: Multiplayer more as three players could not play.
  There was a bug in the automatic firewall detection.

- Added: Show a simple information of what keys are used in
  the multiplayer screen.

- Chagned: In Singleplayer you can select now 0 AI Players.

- Fixed: Teamdata (as Names and Colors) will be send over the network.

- Fixed: udp_send: bad file error fixed, in single mode we was
  still sending the quit information to all clients.

- Fixed: Alot other strange network bugs. I.e. the rejoin part
  and that the server can leave part was not right.

Version 0.11.4

- Fixed: Teamdata wasn't send right, net_send_playerid changed,
  send_playerdata and do_playerdata fixed.

- Fixed: Problems with the second local player join and
  leaving. Also the second local player won't get
  informations which the first local player already had.

- Bombs will not explode right on slow computers.. it
  seems they jump one field to far.
  fixed: rewrote part of the do_explosion stuff and
  part of the explosion_restore function. Explosion
  was growing on slow PC more as one field per cycle.

- AI: Player die on a slow computer because they move more
  as 1 Field. This might be also the problem Acidjnk told
  me about.

  Variable dir_change added so we won't have
  anymore so many suicides.

  little more work on the AI, there are still some kind of
  problems. Maybe i'll rewrite the whole AI again.

- fixed: Server starts the game soo fast that the
  client's ignore the gamestat for a running game.
  Check if all players are ready.

- in include and data changed so make dist will
  work fine as well as make install won't install anymore
  all the useless *.h files.

- the firewall flag will be enabled and disabled automaticly.
  Datapacket PKG_contest created to make it possible to work.

- only players who are in the game will be able to send
  gamedata related packets to the game. (do_pkg() changed)

- fixed: AI won't have anymore so many suicide deaths.

- New Team menu Handling.

- changed: Playermenu (F2 in the Playerselection screen).
  You will see some details about the other players and
  you can go to the teammenu from here.

- fixed: udp_send:: Invalid argument Error Message
  net_game_send_delplayer had a problem with the second
  local player.

- changed: Chat Mode will always keep active if there is
  only one player on one computer. If there are two player
  we have to press F5 to activate the chatwindow.

- fixed: Quit Game wasn't working from the in game menu

- fixed: Network Version Error. There is no
  possible Escape.

- fixed: Single Player Menu there was no ESC key working

- fixed: Player Selection Screen (single player)
  ESC key wasn't working and also closing the program
  haven't worked.
