Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/net/snort
From: Adrian Portelli
Date: 2005-03-25 19:28:28
Message id:

Log Message:
- Update snort from 2.3.0 -> 2.3.2

2005-03-10 - Snort 2.3.2 Released

* Removed end-of-line parser fix in favor of completely reworking
  this at the next parser overhaul.

2005-03-09 - Snort 2.3.1 Released

* Fixed issue where the number of flowbits were too small. Thanks Marc
  Norton for the fix.

* Fixed parsing of comments at end of line in config file.  In
  snort.conf, anything that follows a # on a line is considered a
  comment. Thanks Steve Sturges for the fix.

* Fixed alignment issue causing sfPortscan to crash on Solaris/HPUX.
  Thanks Andy Mullican for the fix. Thanks Senthil Prabu.S and
  Jonathan Miner for working with us on this.
