Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/games/wesnoth
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2005-07-28 13:26:59
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 0.9.4:
 * language and i18n:
   * updated translations:
     * Basque, British English, Catalan, Chinese, Dutch, French, German,
        Hungarian, Russian, Swedish, Turkish
   * fixed help description of income and upkeep (#13565)
   * updated several unit descriptions
   * standardized on "magi" as plural of "mage"
   * document that Woses receive no traits (#13630)
   * replay suggested save game now translated (#13558)
   * fixed some typos (#13714,#13715,#13716,#13717,#13718)
   * added terrain descriptions to in-game help
   * fixed blank terrain entries in unit help
   * ignore LANGUAGE in environment: broke translations (forum thread 6614)
   * added Swedish man pages to the list of man pages to be installed
 * unit balancing and modifications:
   * max level units given After-Max-Level-Advancement (AMLA) of 3 HP/100XP
     added to max HP, with no auto-heal; Necrophage has healing AMLA
     with no bonus HP
   * changed Naga Warrior attack from 5-5 to 7-4
   * decreased Thug hitpoints from 36 to 32
   * decreased Dwarvish Ulfserker  hitpoints from 40 to 34
   * changed Elvish Shaman and Druid to the state before 0.9.3
   * decreased Elvish Shaman cost from 17 to 16 gold
   * removed obsolete units Mounted Captain, Mounted Commander
 * graphics and sound improvements:
   * new or revised images for Dark Sorcerer, Dwarvish Thunderguard, Necromancer
   * new death animations: Elvish Sharpshooter, Elvish Marksman
   * default colour depth is no longer forced to 16 bits
   * new tiles for some terrain in the editor terrain list and mini map
 * WML improvements:
   * #define's in user campaigns are now local to each campaign (patch 4138)
   * correctly preprocess files that do not end with a final newline
 * campaigns
   * Heir to the Throne:
     * made campaign easier on "Easy" level
     * removed duplicate file inclusion - campaign should now start faster
   * Eastern Invasion:
     * revised Approaching Weldyn for quicker gameplay
     * tweaked Undead Crossing
     * removed duplicate file inclusion - campaign should now start faster
   * The Dark Hordes:
     * cleaned up old id tags; added portraits for Tanar, Nati and Gwiti
     * removed duplicate file inclusion - campaign should now start faster
   * The Rise of Wesnoth:
     * removed duplicate file inclusion - campaign should now start faster
     * fixed Lt. Aethyr death events not triggering in Rise of Wesnoth (#13848)
   * Son of the Black Eye: revised map for Desert of Death
 * server
   * now supports redirection based on client version number
   * can now act as proxy
 * editor
   * changed the layout of the terrain palette (#11965)
   * relocated and enlarged the buttons (#11967)
   * maps can't be saved with illegal characters (#10704)
   * replaced the buttons under the minimap with a toolbar
 * build process
   * added quotes to (forum thread 6747)
   * new utility extractsources to extract lists of sources from
   * new utility makemam to construct from and
     files containing lists of sources
   * fix libpng not being detected on NetBSD (#13808)
 * user interface improvements:
   * show scrollbar in multiplayer lobby when there are many players (#13521)
   * multiplayer lobby player list no longer resets to start (#13345)
   * fixed game host sometimes not recognized as side owner (forum thread 6783)
 * remove redundant {utils} and {~utils} references (#13843)
 * various bug fixes and code cleanups
