Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/ruby-activesupport
From: Takahiro Kambe
Date: 2005-09-04 15:55:53
Message id:

Log Message:
Update ruby-activesupport package to 1.1.1.

*1.1.1* (11 July, 2005)

* Added more efficient implementation of the development mode reset of classes \ 
#1638 [Chris McGrath]

*1.1.0* (6 July, 2005)

* Fixed conflict with Glue gem #1606 [Rick Olson]

* Added new rules to the Inflector to deal with more unusual plurals mouse/louse \ 
=> mice/lice, information => information, ox => oxen, virus => viri, \ 
archive => archives #1571, #1583, #1490, #1599, #1608 \ 

* Fixed memory leak with Object#remove_subclasses_of, which inflicted a Rails \ 
application running in development mode with a ~20KB leak per request #1289 \ 

* Made 1.year == 365.25.days to account for leap years.  This allows you to do \ 
User.find(:all, :conditions => ['birthday > ?', 50.years.ago]) without \ 
losing a lot of days.  #1488 []

* Added an exception if calling id on nil to WhinyNil #584 []

* Added Fix/Bignum#multiple_of? which returns true on 14.multiple_of?(7) and \ 
false on 16.multiple_of?(7) #1464 [Thomas Fuchs]

* Added even? and odd? to work with Bignums in addition to Fixnums #1464 [Thomas \ 

* Fixed Time#at_beginning_of_week returned the next Monday instead of the \ 
previous one when called on a Sunday #1403 []

* Increased the speed of indifferent hash access by using Hash#default.  #1436 \ 
[Nicholas Seckar]

* Added that "   " is now also blank? (using strip if available)

* Fixed Dependencies so all modules are able to load missing constants #1173 \ 
[Nicholas Seckar]

* Fixed the Inflector to underscore strings containing numbers, so \ 
Area51Controller becomes area51_controller #1176 [Nicholas Seckar]

* Fixed that HashWithIndifferentAccess stringified all keys including symbols, \ 
ints, objects, and arrays #1162 [Nicholas Seckar]

* Fixed Time#last_year to go back in time, not forward #1278 []

* Fixed the pluralization of analysis to analyses #1295 []

* Fixed that Time.local(2005,12).months_since(1) would raise \ 
"ArgumentError: argument out of range" #1311 []

* Added silencing to the default Logger class

*1.0.4* (19th April, 2005)

* Fixed that in some circumstances controllers outside of modules may have \ 
hidden ones inside modules. For example, admin/content might have been hidden by \ 
/content. #1075 [Nicholas Seckar]

* Fixed inflection of perspectives and similar words #1045 []

* Added Fixnum#even? and Fixnum#odd?

* Fixed problem with classes being required twice. Object#const_missing now uses \ 
require_dependency to load files. It used to use require_or_load which would \ 
cause models to be loaded twice, which was not good for validations and other \ 
class methods #971 [Nicholas Seckar]
