Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/p5-SVN-Mirror
From: Bill Sommerfeld
Date: 2005-10-22 18:56:09
Message id:

Log Message:
Update from 0.60 to 0.66; prerequisite for newer versions of svk

[Changes for 0.66 - Aug 18, 2005]

* Fix a regression when the mirrored revision has copies from revision
  numbers outside the path we are mirroring.

* Fix a regression since 0.61 for the case that mirror anchor parent was
  copied from somewhere else.

[Changes for 0.65 - Aug 2, 2005]

* Fix a bug when mirroring only HEAD with dav/svn-1.2.0 on server.

* Performance imporvements on large repositories for revision lookup
  and meta data lookup. [Sponsored by Fotango]

[Changes for 0.64 - Jul 11, 2005]

* Make git support load later to avoid circular dependency with svk.

[Changes for 0.63 - Jun 28, 2005]

* Fix missing dependency - Class::Accessor.

[Changes for 0.62 - Jun 22, 2005]

* Support HEAD and HEAD-n for --torev [Jody Belka]

* Resolve the fromrev from headrev with the relayed source, so for
  relayed skip-to mirror it won't explode.

* When there's replaced directory, properly _enter_copied_path when
  it's not a copy.

* Git support.

[Changes for 0.61 - May 8, 2005]

* Perform reanchor only on paths involving copies.
  This fixes kde svn repository problem.

* Fix two minor pool usage that causes error on nfs-mounted fsfs (and
  possibly win32).
