Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/databases/p5-DBD-mysql
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2006-01-23 21:18:05
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 3.0002:

2005-07-07 Patrick Galbraith (3.0002)
  * Fix to ensure MYSQL_BIND is only defined when mysql
    client version is >= 4.1.3. Thanks to Tom Parkison,
    Anup Singh, Sergey Skvortsov, and other users who informed
    me about this issue.

2005-07-06 Patrick Galbraith (3.0001)
  * Special Thanks to Steve Hay for his patch to fix windows
  * Changed uint argument in safe_sv_fetch to int due to
    uint not being available on windows unless you include
    my_globals.h in dbdimp.h, which also breaks on unixen!
  * Fixed Makefile.PM for windows compiles (thanks to Steve Hay!)
  * Removed long long type from dbdimp.h
  * Changed strncasecmp to strncmp (still need a better long-term solution)
    in dbdimp.c
  * Modified Makefile.PM to make prepared statements default
  * Removed // comments from mysql.xs, dbdimp.c (Thanks Bodo Bergmann!)
  * Fixed runtime bug (when inserting or updating quotes or double quotes)
    (Thanks to Brad Choate)

2005-06-30 Patrick Galbraith (3.0000)
  * Release of prepared statement code

2005-04-26 Patrick Galbraith (2.9015_3)
  * Added patch from Stas Beckman for new DBI feature take_imp_data, needed
   for DBI::Pool
  * Fix to for old API call for numfields that caused
    warnings on 40numrows and akmisc tests
  * Fix to bind_ph to throw an error if trying to bind a non-numeric
    value as numeric
  * Better fix for dealing with error condition in $sth->rows()
  * Fix to bind_param to throw error when trying to bind a non-numeric as

2005-04-04 Patrick Galbraith (2.9015_2)
  * Merged all code changes from 2.900x tree from the last 9
    - unsafe bind type guessing patch from Dragonchild
    - Removed mysql.mtest
    - Fixed sth->rows to return my_ulongloong and also handle
      error from client API
    - Fix to make autocommit work was already part of this version
    - Auto-reconnect bug fixed in 2.9006 included
  * Added simple test to 35limit test to check if using malicious code in
   LIMIT ?, ? placeholders works, which it doesn't.
  * Fix that sets mysql_server_prepare to 0 if SQL statement is 'SHOW ...'
    which is not supported by prepared statement API currently

2004-10-28 Rudolf Lippan (2.9015_1)
	* Merged Makefile.PL from 2.9005_3
	* Bumped version number to 2.9015 for release of Dev Branch. Which
	  will become 2.9020 when tested and merged into HEAD.
	* fixed typo/compiler warning in bind_param_guessing
	  '*testchar' should have been 'testchar'.

2004-10-20 Patrick Galbraith (Dev-2_9 - 2.9005)

  * merged changes from 2.9005_1
  * fix to blob in dbd_st_fetch (Alexey Stroganov
  In case of BLOB/TEXT fields we allocate only 8192 bytes in dbd_describe()
  for data. Here we know real size of field so we should increase buffer
  size and refetch column value
