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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/misc/kdeedu3
From: Mark Davies
Date: 2006-01-31 23:39:29
Message id:
Log Message:
Update to KDE 3.5.1
* Kalzium
o (Calculator) Visible userfeedback for invalid input
o (Calculator) Don't calculate invalid molecules
o (Plotting) Fix drawing of single points
o (Data) Fix the discovery date of Iodine (was 1804, correct is 1811)
o (Data) About 40 new radii (atomic and covalent) have been added
o (Data) Some elements densities (only elements > 70) where displayed
wrong (g/L instead of g/cm^3)
* Kig
o forcing undo/redo actions disabled while constructing
o fix redefining of text labels
* KStars: NGC 1300 KPNO image link is to an image of NGC 1232 and not
NGC 1300
* KTouch: Missing i18n calls.
* KVoctrain: Make keyboard layout switching work again.
* KWordQuiz: Don't crash when downloading vocabularies.
* libkdeedu: (Plotting) Fix drawing of grid