Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/mail/dovecot
From: Geert Hendrickx
Date: 2006-02-06 16:54:37
Message id:

Log Message:
- Update mail/dovecot to 1.0beta2.  The 1.0 betas are very stable, and
  recommended by the Dovecot author (the 0.99.x series are deprecated).

  Major changes:

  v1.0.beta2 2006-01-22  Timo Sirainen <>
	+ Added SQLite support. Patch by Jakob Hirsch.
	+ Added auth_debug_passwords setting. If it's not enabled, hide all
          password strings from logs.
	+ Added mail_cache_min_mail_count and mbox_min_index_size settings
	  which can be used to make Dovecot do less disk writes in small
          mailboxes where they don't benefit that much.
	+ Added --build-ssl-parameters parameter to dovecot binary
	- SSL parameters were being regenerated every 10 minutes, although not
	  with all systems.
	- Fixed dovecot-auth crashing at startup. Happened only with some
	  specific compilers.
	- base_dir was supposed to be set world-readable, not world-writable

  v1.0.beta1 2006-01-16  Timo Sirainen <>
	* Almost a complete rewrite since 0.99.x, but some of the major
	  changes are:

	+ Index file code rewritten to do less disk I/O, wait locks less and in
	  generate be smarter. They also support being in clustered filesystems
          and NFS support is mostly working also.
	+ Mail caching is smarter. Only the data that client requests is
	  cached. Before Dovecot opened and cached all mails when mailbox was
          opened the first time, which was slow.
	+ Mbox handling code rewritten to be much faster, safer and correct
	+ New authentication mechanisms: APOP, GSSAPI, LOGIN, NTLM and RPA.
	+ LDAP supports authentication binds
	+ Authentication server can cache password database lookups
	+ Support for multiple authentication databases
	+ Namespace configuration
	+ Dovecot works with shared

- Add an option for sqlite support.

- Take over maintainership.

All suggested (and ok'ed) by xtraeme.
