Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/x11/kdelibs3
From: Mark Davies
Date: 2006-03-30 04:36:26
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to KDE 3.5.2

* Don't restore files to recent files list that don't exist anymore.
* KIO-KFile: Fix problems with mounting filesystems with ACL
* Kate
  o Make the spelling dialog modal.
  o Make updates incrementally and limit to 2000 messages
  o Alternate Bash heredoc style highlights correctly.
  o Performance improvements:
    + Improve rendering speed of some semi-transparent pixmap
    + Improve performance of JavaScript error logging widget, to
      help deal with sites with completely broken JavaScript which
      continuously causes errors.
    + Better performance for the classname selector
  o Get iframes, objects and some other overlaid widgets to obey
    their stacking context at last (a.k.a, keep flash and iframes
    *under* dhtml menus).
  o Implement CSS2.1 quirk about behavior of overflow and root and
    body. Now we pass Acid2 according to Opera's standard, but in
    an actual release version.
  o Implement selectionStart, selectionEnd, setSelectionRange on
    textarea and text input tags.
  o Improved keyboard event support, implementing the API in the
    latest DOM3 Events working group note.
  o Properly scale CSS line height when zooming.
  o Multiple fixes to the table DOM.
  o Better frame sizing calculation.
  o Better handling of the case where form-related tags get moved
    by parser during residual style handling.
  o Fix the DOM operation handling to not be so picky about the
    DTD. This makes us match other browsers better, and lets us
    remove various evil hacks in the XML parser
  o Various getComputedStyle improvements.
  o Various text-indent fixes.
  o Some fixes for namespace handling in XML and CSS.
  o Compatibility improvements in some collections.
  o Fix JavaScript timer events over midnight.
  o Fix handling of error event.
  o Do not assign the same AccessKey to different javascript:
  o Do not improperly honor maxlength on file input elements.
  o Properly reload iframe when source re-set.
  o Make usemap case-insensitive.
  o Better parsing of malformed cols and rows parameters of
  o Various fixes to DOM and non-standard bindings to CSS.
  o Various rendering fixes
  o Performance fix: do not redundantly re-attach the JavaScript
  o Free up some "future reserved keywords" for use as identifiers,
    to match other browsers.
  o Accept trailing semicolons in initializer lists.
  o Various RegExp object improvements: support .compile, properly
    report some errors, plug some memory leaks.
  o Give JavaScript debugger some stack room to operate when
    handling stack overflow exceptions.
  o Fix bugs in latin1 to ucs conversion.
