Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/misc/kdeedu3
From: Mark Davies
Date: 2006-03-30 04:54:00
Message id:

Log Message:
Update KDE to 3.5.2

* Kalzium
  o Do not crash anymore when switching element in the Detail
    Information dialog
  o Display the correct abundance of crustal rocks
  o Fixed typo in the origin of the name of the element Silver
  o Really show as translated all the strings in the glossary
* blinKen
  o Only use 'steve.ttf'-font if possible
* KBruch
  o Layoutfixes for RTL-languages
* KHangman
  o blank/missing menu comments (tooltips)
* KStars
  o All time fields in the astrocalculator now show the current
    UT, not local time
  o All deep-sky objects were shown with incorrect position angle
    (flipped horizontally)
  o UI-improvement
  o Fix some typos and string improvements in calculator
  o Some fixes in the datafile
  o Do not fade transient label if the object has gained a
    persistent label by becoming the centered object.
* Kig
  o Do not apply the line style when drawing the arrow of vectors
  o Do not show inappropriate entries for text labels in the popup
  o Rename the "Size" menu item in the object popup menu to the
    more appropriate "Set Pen Width"
* KWordQuiz
  o Don't crash when switching back to editor.
  o Display incorrect answers correctly.
