Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/cad/pcb
From: Dan McMahill
Date: 2006-04-05 00:20:27
Message id:

Log Message:
update to pcb-20060321

Release Notes for PCB snapshot 20060321
- Add internal support for more than 8 layers.  By default PCB is still
  compiled for 8 copper layers.
- Fixed several minor bugs in the GTK user interface including fixing
  scrolling of the log window, fixed up some of the DRC reporting
  and mm/mil units.
- Fixed several key bindings.
- Updated refcard.tex to reflect the current set of key bindings.
- Fixed some minor bugs which caused compilation problems on some
- Converted the QFN footprints to hi-res.
- Added documentation to the manual for the centroid file format and
  the algorithm used for finding the centroid and rotation.
- Fixed a bug so that the initial layer named 'component' is actually
  on the component side of the board and 'solder' is actually on the
  solder side of the board.
- Fixed the pin order in the bourns trim pots (~bourns library)
- Added actions and a script to allow command line printing.
- Added IPC-7351 recommended footprints for 0201, 0402, etc passives.
- Fixed SME5 package.
- Fixed a bug which prevented disabling nets from the ratsnest
- Fixed a bug where clearances could be set 1 below the spacing
- Fixed clearline flag so that arcs also have this property.
- Speed up rtree searches and other autorouter speedups.
- Fixed a bug in computation of the closest polygon point.
- Use rtrees for polygon handling for speed improvements.
- Add a ChangePinName() action.
- Fix a bug which caused duplicate rats names when manually adding
  rats lines.
- Added DRC checks for minimum drill diameter and minimum annular ring.
- Add a minimal glossary to the manual
- Fix the author name in the fab drawing
- Cause the crosshair to snap to pad ends instead of center for rat
- Add "join" to SetFlag, ClrFlag and ChangeFlag.
- Added inline documentation for the pcb file syntax.  The manual now
  is up to date and correctly documents the file format.  In addition
  the inline documentation will make it much easier to maintain the
- Remove some broken m4lib footprints
- Put the correct setting for the gschem footprint= attribute in []
  in the library window for the m4 libraries.
