Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/mail/dovecot
From: Geert Hendrickx
Date: 2006-06-13 18:51:40
Message id:

Log Message:
Update dovecot to 1.0 beta9.  From the release notes:

Fixes a lot of bugs. The next release will be the first "release
candidate" instead of a beta.

* PAM: Don't call pam_setcred() unless setcred=yes PAM passdb
  argument was given.
* Moved around settings in dovecot-example.conf to be in more logical

+ Local delivery agent (deliver binary) works again.
+ LDAP: Added support for SASL binding. Patch by Geert Jansen
+ ssl_verify_client_cert: Check CRLs. If auth_verbose=yes, log
  invalid sent certificates. If verbose_ssl=yes, log even the valid
  certificates. When using the username from the certificate, use
  CommonName. Based on patch by HenkJan Wolthuis
+ PAM: Set PAM_TTY which is needed by some PAM plugins
+ dovecot --exec-mail ext <binary path> can now be used to start
  binaries which want dovecot.conf to be read, for example the
- Expunging needed to be done twice if client used STORE +FLAGS.SILENT
  command to set the \Deleted flags
- Added sql_escape_string() to lib-sql API and use it instead of
  normal \-escaping.
- ACL plugin fixes
- DIGEST-MD5: Trying to use subsequent authentication crashed
- Fetching BODY when BODYSTRUCTURE was already cached caused the
  reply to be broken in some cases
- Lots of fixes for index file handling
- dbox fixes and changes
- mbox syncing broke if some extraneous/broken headers were removed
  (eg. extra X-IMAPbase headers in mails)
- Running Dovecot from inetd work now properly with POP3
- Quota plugin fixes for calculating the quota correctly
