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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/cad/covered-current
From: Dan McMahill
Date: 2006-10-12 05:13:30
Message id:
Log Message:
update to covered-current-20060904
* 09/04/2006
Development release covered-20060904 made. This is primarily an enhanced \
language support release
containing support for the Verilog-2001 'generate' block and support for some \
SystemVerilog constructs.
All bug fixes from the stable release branch have also been included in this \
release as well. Some
updates to the GUI (to match changes made on the score command side). The \
following is a list of
changes made from the last development release
- Complete parsing/simulation support for generate blocks include generate \
for, if/else and
case constructs.
- Fixed bug in hierarchically referencing items within an array of instances.
- Added -g option to score command to allow the user to specify on either a \
global or modular
level which Verilog generation to consider for that design. This allows a \
block of logic written
with Verilog-1995 in mind to use names that would be keywords in \
Verilog-2001 or SystemVerilog,
as an example.
- Removed "manstyle" type documentation in user's guide as this tool \
is no longer used for this
project. This change should be transparent to the user, however.
- Fixed scoping/hierarchical referencing rules to match the Verilog LRM properly.
- Added parsing/handling support for SystemVerilog always_comb, always_ff and \
always_latch blocks.
- Added parsing support for 'unique' and 'priority' SystemVerilog keywords \
before if and case
statements (Covered doesn't need to do anything with them, however).
- Added parsing/handling support for 'do .. while' SystemVerilog loops.
- Added parsing/handling support for new SystemVerilog data types, including: \
byte, bit, logic,
char, shorting, int and longint.
- Added -rI option to the score command which allows the user to completely \
bypass the race
condition checking phase of the score command.
- Added -B global option which obfuscates all identifying names from Covered's \
output (for use
in providing debugging information to the developer's of Covered).
- Added parsing/handling support for operate-and-assign SystemVerilog \
operators, including:
+=, -=, *=, /=, %=, &=, |=, ^=, <<=, >>=, <<<=, \
>>>=, ++ and --. These can be used wherever
their counterparts can be used (including generate for loops).
- Added proper handling of Verilog-1995 delayed blocking assignments (i.e., \
"a = #5 b;" or
"a = @(posedge clk) c;"). Previously, the delay was being \
incorrectly ignored which could
have lead to infinite looping of always/forever blocks or could calculate \
incorrect coverage
- Added parsing support for SystemVerilog .name and .* port lists.
- Added partial parsing/handling support for SystemVerilog 'typedef' usage. \
This should work for
enumerations but not other data types at this point.
- Added parsing/handling support for SystemVerilog 'enum' constructs. These \
should be fully
supported with the exception of their built-in '.first', '.last', '.next', \
'.prev', '.num' and
'.name' methods.
- Added full support of handling Verilog-1995 repeated delay blocking \
assignments (i.e.,
"a = repeat(5) @(posedge clk) b;". These were previously being \
treated as normal blocking
- Added keyword highlighting support in GUI for Verilog-2001 and SystemVerilog \
keywords depending
on the -g value specified for a particular module.
- Added parsing support for SystemVerilog assertion, property and sequence \
blocks. These constructs
are ignored by the parser but should not cause a parsing error now.
- Added parsing support for SystemVerilog multi-dimensional arrays. These are \
ignored by the
parser but should not cause an error.
- Added full support for the SystemVerilog $root global space -- though \
limited testing has
been performed with this at this point.
- Added -s option to the report command to suppress the output for \
modules/instances that contain
no coverage information.
- Updated all user documentation to match changes made for this development \
- Lots of new diagnostics added to regression suite to verify the majority of \
these changes.
There you have it. A lot of enhancements made for language support for \
Verilog-1995, Verilog-2001
and SystemVerilog. Some of the additions for SystemVerilog, especially typedefs \
and $root global
space, have not been fully verified to work and may still be a bit buggy, but \
everything else should
be expected to work as advertised. Please submit any bugs that you find. The \
next development
release should contain support for some more language enhancements, including \
full support for
typedef and enumeration usage, support for memories, multi-dimensional arrays, \
structs and unions.
I will also be looking at adding support for bitwise coverage information (for \
vectored calculations).
As always, have fun!