Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/lang
From: OBATA Akio
Date: 2006-10-18 07:07:07
Message id:

Log Message:
Update sun-{jre,jdk}14 to 2.12.
Patch based on PR 34035, PR 34604 and add some missing entries to PLIST.

Changes in 1.4.2_12
The official version number for this update release is 1.4.2_12-b03. Bug fixes \ 
are listed in the following table.

BugId Category Subcategory Description
6322757  hotspot  compiler2  GC crash in ParRootScanWithoutBarrierClosure::do_oop
6332641  hotspot  compiler2  CORBA product_rmijrmp_dgc:Test01 fails with exception
4971887  hotspot  compiler2  Incorrect floating-point arithmetic or loop \ 
unrolling with -server -Xcomp option
6343401  hotspot  compiler2  Crash removing empty loop
4965987  hotspot  compiler2  CTW assertion at assembler_sparc.hpp, 787
6374905  hotspot  garbage_collector  SurvivorRatio is ignored when using \ 
6319671  hotspot  garbage_collector  CMS should use Heap_lock for protecting \ 
heap resizing, instead of CMS token
6319688  hotspot  garbage_collector  Incorrect locking in CMSPermGen::mem_allocate()
5093520  hotspot  jvmti  objects being kept alive in perm gen and old gen when \ 
debugger attached
6312208  hotspot  other  Windows JVM crashes under load in \ 
5030646  hotspot  runtime_system  CMS: atg crashed with fastdebug build on \ 
rhas_3.0 SP1
6352819  hotspot  runtime_system  -Xloggc in _JAVA_OPTIONS logs to garbage filename
6325849  hotspot  runtime_system  Java Thread Dump shows the same 'nid' for all \ 
5067940  idl  orb  [CORBA!] POA WrongAdapter thrown on roundtrip between 1.5 and \ 
6292322  java  char_encodings  unexpected exception occurs in InputStreamReader \ 
for UTF-16, little endian, and Byte-order-mark
6394302  java  char_encodings  Test sun/nio/cs/ failed \ 
on 142u12b1 but passed on previous 142u11b6.
6255588  java  classes_2d  JDK windows printing implementation leaks GDI objects.
6195047  java  classes_2d  hinting engine is not correctly initialized with \ 
Bar39, Bar25i and related fonts
6312510  java  classes_2d  jdk 1.4.2_07 java apps color problem with patch 109147-34
4823180  java  classes_awt  JDK 1.4.1: Race conditions in Motif java.awt.Choice
6374321  java  classes_awt  Textfield loses focus after alt key hit in IE browser
6312028  java  classes_awt  1.4.2_08 crash in awt!AwtObject::SendEvent
6343810  java  classes_net  connect in java/net/PlainSocketImpl.c should handle \ 
5083450  java  classes_nio  (se) Temporary selectors not closed upon thread exit
6181598  java  classes_nio  String constructor with "KSC5601" encoding \ 
throws AccessControlException
4869859  java  classes_nio  Test \ 
java/nio/channels/FileChannel/ fails (solaris -d64)
6350061  java  classes_security  JGSS requires big-endian credential cache
6404731  java  classes_security  Add teliasonera root CA certs to the JDK
4836635  java  classes_swing  Resource leak in JFileChooser Windows L&F
4793761  java  classes_swing  Password in JPasswordField can be copied and \ 
pasted via middle mouse button
5075580  java  classes_swing  JFileChooser in FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES mode doesn't \ 
contain fix for 4239219
6378990  java  classes_util_i18n  (tz) Support tzdata2006a
6371531  java  classes_util_i18n  Currency change for Mozambique
5092263  java  classes_util_jarzip  GZIPInputStream spuriously reports \ 
"Corrupt GZIP trailer" for sizes > 2GB
6364346  java  classes_util_jarzip  GZIPOutputStream is slower on 1.4.2_11-b02 \ 
than on 1.4.2_09
5106044  java  debugger  SA-JDI: port SA to Solaris/AMD-64
6399782  java  install  Solaris packaging changes required for Nevada
4980600  java  install  Syntax used when invoking coreutils does not conform to \ 
POSIX 1003.1-2001
5057119  java  runtime  Java.exe (ver 1.4.2_04) access-violates on windows \ 
64-bit IA64 with Oracle's JDB
6394781  java  serviceability  test vm/sa/OOME/6173515/ failed on \ 
142u12b1 but passed on 142u11b6
6323688  java  serviceability  SA: jmap heap dumper should dump java.lang.Object \ 
as super class for all array classes
6280629  java  serviceability  Need ability to dump the heap at OutOfMemoryError
6307570  java  serviceability  jmap performance and robustness improvement
6315235  java  serviceability  SA: jmap heap dumper does not use correct class \ 
ID for object arrays
6377036  java_deployment  update  consolidating rtpatch binary resources will \ 
save 2.2MB on all JRE download and 9MB on JDK downloads
6332100  java_plugin  iexplorer  Focus lost in Textfield after doing a \ 
back/forward from Internet Explorer using
6367496  java_plugin  iexplorer  Applets in IE causing screen to blank, used to \ 
work in _04/_05
6393921  java_plugin  iexplorer  JVM hang when multiple applets are loaded and \ 
simultaneous window refocus actions
6370565  java_plugin  iexplorer  IE browser hangs when multiple applets are \ 
reloaded several times
6358629  jsse  runtime  SSLSocket.close() and deadlock
