Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/mail/dovecot
From: Geert Hendrickx
Date: 2006-11-13 08:53:59
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to dovecot-1.0rc14.  From the release announcement mail:

More fixes.

"Duplicate header extension keywords" is the only known problem (or if I
forgot something, remind me). I'll try to figure out a way to reproduce
it easily and then get it fixed.

	* LDAP: Don't try to use ldap_bind() with empty passwords, since
	  Windows 2003 AD skips password checking with them and just returns
	* verbose_ssl=yes: Don't bother logging "syscall failed: EOF"
	  messages. No-one cares about them.

	+ Dovecot sources should now compile without any warnings with gcc 3.2+
	- rc13 crashed if client disconnected while IDLEing
	- LDAP: auth_bind=yes fixes
        - %variables: Fixed zero padding handling and documented it. %0.1n
	  shouldn't enable it, and it really shouldn't stay for the next
	  %variable. -sign also shouldn't stay for the next variable.
	- Don't leak opened .log.2 transaction logs.
	- Fixed a potential hang in IDLE command (probably really rare).
	- Fixed potential problems with client disconnecting while master was
	  handling the login.
	- quota plugin didn't work in Mac OS X
