Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/comms/jpilot-syncmal
From: Mark Davies
Date: 2007-01-26 02:44:55
Message id:

Log Message:
Update jpilot-syncmal to 0.80

0.80 - 01/16/2006
- Back to libmal again. This version has much better integration with
  libmal than 0.43.
  There is no functional difference between this version and the last.

0.73 - 12/05/2006
- Several fixes for the pilot-link 0.12 code.  Thanks to John McCreesh and
  Antoine Jacoutot for their help fixing and testing this.

0.72.2 - 9/12/2006
- Added support for pilot-link 0.12.x
- Updated automake files

0.72.1 - 8/8/2003
- Fixed a bug that caused J-Pilot sync to abort with the cryptic error
  message "ReadDBList returned = -1"

0.72 - 7/26/2003
- Upgraded malsync source to malsync 2.1.1
- Updated libmal.c to reflect changes in malsync
- Should now support color devices up to 8bpp (malsync does not yet support
  color depths greater than 8bpp)
- Minor changes to malsync source; see the ChangeLog in the malsync
  subdirectory for details
- Uses automake. submitted by Ludovic Rousseau
