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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/math/py-rpy
From: Mark Davies
Date: 2007-03-14 12:55:41
Message id:
Log Message:
Update py-rpy to 0.99.0
New features:
* Dramatically simplify the build process for Win32
* It is now possible to use setup.cfg to control various aspects of the
build process. '' contains a template containing all available
options and what they do.
Bug fixes
* RPy compiled with Numeric support will no longer crash when run with
Numeric available.
* Crash during import when R is missing from the registry
* Problem using R Wavelets library with RPy
* RPy does not build on OS X, easy fix
* Plotting with RPy crashes Python
* The now communicates RHOME, RVER, RVERSION, RUSER from python to
the _rpy module using environment variables. This avoids the need to
have duplicate C code to obtain these values, and makes things both more
maintainable and more robust.