Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/mail/dovecot
From: Geert Hendrickx
Date: 2007-04-06 14:21:30
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to dovecot-1.0rc30 (ok with wiz).  From the release announcement mail:

So, this is it. Unless you can find a new and important bug within a
week, this release is the same as v1.0. I'll only update the version
number and NEWS file.

Changes since rc29:

	* PAM: Lowercase the PAM service name when calling with "args = *".
	  Linux PAM did this internally already, but at least BSD didn't.
	  If your PAM file used to be in /etc/pam.d/IMAP or POP3 file you'll
	  need to lowercase it now.

	+ Send list of CA names to client when using
	- IMAP: If message body started with line feed, it wasn't counted
	  in BODY and BODYSTRUCTURE replies' line count field.
	- deliver didn't load plugins before chrooting
