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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/net/Transmission
From: Tobias Nygren
Date: 2008-01-08 03:45:50
Message id:
Log Message:
Update to Transmission-1.00.
Version 1.00 (2008/1/4):
All Platforms:
+ Port forwarding now performed by MiniUPnP and libnatpmp
+ Ability to set global and per-torrent number of connections
+ Option to prefer not using encryption
+ PEX is now configured globally
+ Updated icon
+ Redesigned main window interface
+ Minimal Mode for showing more torrents in less desktop space
+ Torrent filtering
+ Port forwarding tester in Preferences
+ Statistics window
+ Sort by total activity, progress, state, and tracker
+ Various other interface additions and improvements
+ Restore 'scrape' feature