Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/security/p5-Crypt-CBC
From: Klaus Heinz
Date: 2008-02-07 21:46:05
Message id:

Log Message:
Updated to version 2.24.

Pkgsrc changes:
  - The package supports installation to DESTDIR.

Changes since version 2.19:
Revision history for Perl extension Crypt::CBC.
2.24	Fri Sep 28 11:21:07 EDT 2007
	- Fixed failure to run under taint checks with Crypt::Rijndael
	or Crypt::OpenSSL::AES (and maybe other Crypt modules). See

2.23	Fri Apr 13 14:50:21 EDT 2007
	- Added checks for other implementations of CBC which add no
	standard padding at all when cipher text is an even multiple
	of the block size.

2.22	Sun Oct 29 16:50:32 EST 2006
	- Fixed bug in which plaintext encrypted with the -literal_key
	option could not be decrypted using a new object created with
	the same -literal_key.
 	- Added documentation confirming that -literal_key must be
	  accompanied by a -header of 'none' and a manually specificied IV.

2.21	Mon Oct 16 19:26:26 EDT 2006
	- Fixed bug in which new() failed to work when first option is

2.20	Sat Aug 12 22:30:53 EDT 2006
	- Added ability to pass a preinitialized Crypt::* block cipher
	  object instead of the class name.
        - Fixed a bug when processing -literal_key.
