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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/ruby-actionpack
From: Min Sik Kim
Date: 2008-09-15 07:50:42
Message id:
Log Message:
Update ruby-actionpack to 2.1.1.
* All 2xx requests are considered successful [Josh Peek]
* Deprecate the limited follow_redirect in functional tests. If you
wish to follow redirects, use integration tests. [Michael Koziarski]
* Fixed that AssetTagHelper#compute_public_path shouldn't cache the
asset_host along with the source or per-request proc's won't run
* Deprecate define_javascript_functions, javascript_include_tag and
friends are much better [Michael Koziarski]
* Fix polymorphic_url with singleton resources. #461 [Tammer Saleh]
* Deprecate ActionView::Base.erb_variable. Use the concat helper
method instead of appending to it directly. [Jeremy Kemper]
* Fixed Request#remote_ip to only raise hell if the HTTP_CLIENT_IP and
HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR doesn't match (not just if they're both
present) [Mark Imbriaco, Bradford Folkens]