Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/p5-CatalystX-CRUD-YUI
From: Jens Rehsack
Date: 2009-05-01 22:35:04
Message id:

Log Message:
PkgSrc changes:
  - Updating package for p5 module of CatalystX::CRUD::YUI from 0.015
    to 0.017
  - Setting license to gnu-gpl-v2
  - Adjusting dependencies

  - There're some failing tests reported for this module from update
    of Rose::HTMLx::Form::Related

Upstream changes:
0.017   16 April 2009
        * fix bug with missing 'Export as Excel' link when in View mode
        * change to extjs grey style css
        * add support for sort_prefix() in RHxFR::Metadata. This allows for \ 
setting explicit
          sort prefix strings on column names and (in theory) allows for sorting \ 
on JOINed tables
          as with m2m and o2m and FK "virtual" columns.
        * fix bug when related FK is undef in Serializer
        * enable Create and Reassign links without having to go to edit mode
        * fix Excel view and to work (finally!) with LiveGrid+Serializer
        * hide parent record action buttons when viewing related records in Edit \ 
mode (reduce
          confusion particularly for Delete button)
        * fix Export as Excel link to not escape & since it is in script tag

0.016   11 March 2009
        * add c.config.cxcy.search_uri config option for rendering search box
        * slight optimization in for clarity
        * add id attributes to crud buttons
        * add support for arbitrary code to run on form submit with \ 
YAHOO.crud.onFormSubmit array
        * add YAHOO.crud.wysiwygify() to crud.js for optional Rich Text Editor \ 
on textarea fields.
