Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/p5-Perl-Tidy
From: Jens Rehsack
Date: 2009-07-07 22:05:26
Message id:

Log Message:
pkgsrc changes:
  - Updating Perl-Tidy from 20071205 to 20090616
  - Setting license to gnu-gpl-v2

Upstream changes:
  2009 06 16
     - Allow configuration file to be 'perltidy.ini' for Windows systems.
       i.e. C:\Documents and Settings\User\perltidy.ini
       and added documentation for setting configuation file under Windows in man
       page.  Thanks to Stuart Clark.

     - Corrected problem of unwanted semicolons in hash ref within given/when code.
      Thanks to Nelo Onyiah.

     - added new flag -cscb or --closing-side-comments-balanced
      When using closing-side-comments, and the closing-side-comment-maximum-text
      limit is exceeded, then the comment text must be truncated.  Previous
      versions of perltidy terminate with three dots, and this can still be
      achieved with -ncscb:

   perltidy -csc -ncscb

       } ## end foreach my $foo (sort { $b cmp $a ...

  However this causes a problem with older editors which cannot recognize
      comments or are not configured to doso because they cannot \ 
"bounce" around in
      the text correctly.  The B<-cscb> flag tries to help them by
      appending appropriate terminal balancing structure:

   perltidy -csc -cscb

       } ## end foreach my $foo (sort { $b cmp $a ... })

  Since there is much to be gained and little to be lost by doing this,
      the default is B<-cscb>.  Use B<-ncscb> if you do not want this.

      Thanks to Daniel Becker for suggesting this option.

     - After an isolated closing eval block the continuation indentation will be
       removed so that the braces line up more like other blocks.  Thanks to \ 
Yves Orton.

        eval {
            1;    # return true
          or do {
            #handle error

        eval {
            1;    # return true
        } or do {
            #handle error

     -A new flag -asbl (or --opening-anonymous-sub-brace-on-new-line) has
      been added to put the opening brace of anonymous sub's on a new line,
      as in the following snippet:

        my $code = sub
            my $arg = shift;
            return $arg->(@_);

      This was not possible before because the -sbl flag only applies to named
      subs. Thanks to Benjamin Krupp.

     -Fix tokenization bug with the following snippet
       print 'hi' if { x => 1, }->{x};
      which resulted in a semicolon being added after the comma.  The workaround
      was to use -nasc, but this is no longer necessary.  Thanks to Brian Duggan.

     -Fixed problem in which an incorrect error message could be triggered
     by the (unusual) combination of parameters  -lp -i=0 -l=2 -ci=0 for
     example.  Thanks to Richard Jelinek.

     -A new flag --keep-old-blank-lines=n has been added to
     give more control over the treatment of old blank lines in
     a script.  The manual has been revised to discuss the new
     flag and clarify the treatment of old blank lines.  Thanks
     to Oliver Schaefer.
