Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/time/p5-DateTime-TimeZone
From: Jens Rehsack
Date: 2009-07-22 00:20:30
Message id:

Log Message:
Updating package for p5 module DateTime::TimeZone from 0.91 to 0.93

Upstream changes:
0.93    2009-07-20

- This release is based on version 2009j of the Olson database. This
  release has changes for Bangladesh and Mauritius.

0.92    2009-06-17

- This release is based on version 2009j of the Olson database. This
  release has changes for Bangladesh.

  I skipped the 2009i because I was confused about how to handle the
  weird rules for Bangladesh (which has a change _to_ DST without any
  future change _from_ DST, but that's governments for you).

- Made sure to local-ize $@ before any eval, to prevent errors
  accidentally propogating out to your code.
