Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/time/p5-DateTime-TimeZone
From: Jens Rehsack
Date: 2009-08-19 07:10:29
Message id:

Log Message:
Updating package time/p5-DateTime-TimeZone from 0.93 to 0.96

Upstream changes:
0.96    2009-08-18
- A $SIG{__DIE__} related test in 04local.t behaved differently on different
  platforms. The test has been narrowed so that it should work the same on all
  platforms. Reported by Jens Rehsack.

0.95    2009-08-18
- Attempting to load an invalid Olson-style name like "Bad/Name" did \ 
throw an
  error since 0.92. Reported by Florian Ragwitz.
- Localized $SIG{__DIE__} for every eval.

0.94    2009-08-17
- This release is based on version 2009j of the Olson database. This
  release has changes for Egypt.
- Localize $SIG{__DIE__} in DateTime::TimeZone::Local, so errors in evals done
  by that module are not seen by existing __DIE__ handlers. Based on a patch
  from Jim. RT #48567.
