Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/databases/jdbc-postgresql82
From: David Brownlee
Date: 2009-10-20 13:03:18
Message id:

Log Message:
Updated databases/jdbc-postgresql82 to 510

Version 8.2-510 (2009-07-01)

    * fix The Statement and Connection proxies used for connection pooling code \ 
relied on the underlying real connection and statement code for equals and \ 
hashcode support. When the proxies are closed we discard the references to the \ 
real objects, so we can't rely on them for this support because we'll get a \ 
NullPointerException. (jurka) Thanks to Radu Buzila.
    * fix Retrieve columns' default values from pg_attrdef.adbin rather than \ 
adsrc because adsrc can get out of date when dependent objects are renamed while \ 
adbin stays up to date. (jurka) Thanks to Dickson Guedes, Tom Lane.
    * fix Fix parsing of integer and long data. Some malformed inputs (only a \ 
negative sign) got treated as valid data. (jurka) Thanks to Heiiki Linnakangas.
    * fix Initialize BatchUpdateExceptions with the SQLState of the SQLException \ 
that they are wrapping. Code that inspects the SQLStates of SQLExceptions, but \ 
doesn't unwrap the nested exception will not understand the underlying cause and \ 
may make incorrect decisions about the severity of the error. (jurka) Thanks to \ 
Fujii Masao.

Version 8.2-509 (2008-11-16)

    * update Make the build system aware of the 1.7 JDK (which icedtea reports \ 
itself as) and add an explicit check and complaint if we find a JDK that we \ 
don't support. (jurka)
    * update Updated German translation. (jurka) Thanks to Andre Bialojahn.
    * fix Do comparison of identifiers in a known Locale (specificially US). In \ 
Turkish for example \ 
"id".toLowerCase().equals("ID".toLowerCase()) is false which \ 
makes looking up a column name case insensitively a problem. (jurka) Thanks to \ 
Mikko Tiihonen.
    * fix Fix a deadlock that occurs when retrieving notifications. Normal query \ 
execution enters the QueryExecutor monitor and then calls a synchronized method \ 
in the ProtocolConnection to update the transaction state. Notification \ 
retrieval operates in the reverse order, entering the ProtocolConnection monitor \ 
and then calling a synchronized method in the QueryExecutor. Remove the \ 
QueryExecutor call from ProtocolConnection and make the higher level code \ 
responsible for calling it so we always acquire locks in the same order. (jurka) \ 
Thanks to Joao Rui Leal.
    * fix CallableStatement#getUpdateCount was returning 1 when a function \ 
returned a ResultSet. Return -1 instead. (jurka) Thanks to Sam Lawrence, Albe \ 
    * fix Accept UTF8 as an equivalent of UNICODE when trying to detect if \ 
client_encoding has changed to something the driver doesn't understand. Don't \ 
try to accept every possible spelling (UTF-8) as UTF8 is the server's canonical \ 
name and people shouldn't be messing with this anyway. (jurka)
    * fix Adjust the deadlock avoidance code for the V3 protocol to be concerned \ 
with many statements in a single execute call in addition to the existing worry \ 
about many statements from an executeBatch call. This doesn't prevent all \ 
possible deadlocks as the deadlock avoidance calculation was written for batch \ 
execution which should not be returning ResultSets. If many long queries that \ 
return significant results are issued with a single execute we will still \ 
deadlock. (jurka)
    * fix DatabaseMetaData.getTypeInfo was reporting whether the type was signed \ 
or not, but the output column is really supposed to indicate whether the the \ 
type is unsigned or not. (jurka) Thanks to Mythili Gopalakrishnan.
    * fix Support a parameter (?) for the amount part of the timestampadd \ 
function. Previously we only supported literals. (jurka) Thanks to Christophe \ 
